10•The Next Step

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Jiddah's POV

  It's a Thursday night, the thunder is striking and the rain is falling in heavy drops. I made my way to a group of people. "Sa..Sannunku fah"(Ex..excuse me please) I shivered,  ""Yes young lady, what are you doing outside by this time?" An old man asked in Hausa.

    I felt tears brimming in my eyes but I let that go, "I.. I..want to go to Yan Kwaba" I said looking at the bus. "The Bus for Yan Kwaba has already left" he turned to go. "Wait please" I sobbed. "Is this the last bus?" I asked.

   "Yes, this is the last bus, you should have come earlier" he said, "Okay thank you" I whispered, I was rubbing my palms against each other, it's very cold here.

   I'm going to stay here till tomorrow morning, I have to go to Yan Kwaba, I have to go to my Aunty's please. 'what if they check and don't see you at home?, They may check for you here and catch you' my mind communicated.

   I have to leave this village tonight, oh God please. I'll follow this bus then tomorrow morning branch to Yan Kwaba.

  "It's not safe here,bandits pass by, either go back home or follow us" The Bus conductor said. The thunder became heavier making me scream. "I.. I'll... follow you" I cried entering the bus. I covered my face with my veil and sat on the last Sit available. "Money" he demanded.

   "Howw much" I asked, "Bring 2500" he said, "2500" I repeated, "Yes now" he eyed me, "Okay" I said and removed the money in me and gave him 2500 out of it. "Thank you Uncle Ashraf" I smiled. I kept the money he give me and today it's helping me.

   This Baby is giving me hard time, have been feverish for the past 7 days, and now I'm dozing off.

    The other day I had to say yes, just so I can have shelter, but now I'm not afraid of anything, what ever happens happens, I won't let them destroy my life.

    Kawu fixed my wedding to be next week, he said it yesterday, I have decided to go meet my maternal Aunt in Yan Kwaba so I can tell her everything, I won't hide anything from her, she's the only person that can save me from kawu.

   After finishing my house chores, and Making sure that everyone was asleep, I Snicked out of the house and headed here, this is where I escort my Aunty to anytime she's going back to Yan Kwaba. I rested my back and closed my eyes till I dozed off.

The Next day, 7am🌅

  "Ke Yarinya!" I heard someone shout. I opened my eyes and then remembered that I ran away from home!.

      "We have arrived" he said, "Okay" I said and came down from the bus. It is a very busy place, cars here and there, girls Hawking different things, and so many travellers. Where is this place??.

    I saw a bus loading passengers so I headed there, "Dan Allah Malam, Ina ne nan?"(Please Mr. Where is the place?).

  He looked at me shocked, "You don't know where this place is?" He asked, "Yes"

   "You're in Unguwa uku motor pack" he said, unguwa uku, where is this place, I've never heard of any unguwa uku.

     "Okay please where can I get the bus to Yan Kwaba?" I asked. "I don't know" he simply said.

  I cleaned the tears on my face and started asking people. Some answered and many people ignored me.

    They said I'm not even in Damgiri, I should have asked that bus conductor where they were going to, now I don't even know where I am. My stomach made a grumble reminding me that the last time I ate was yesterday morning.

    I took my leather bag and began wandering around till I cane across a restaurant, "please Hajia, help me with some food" I begged.

    "It's for sale bring money" the woman said, "Please help me" I pleaded. "Do I look like a helper?!" she asked pissed off. I have money in me, but I want to use it to go to Yan Kwaba. "If you can wash these plates for me, I'll give you food, we don't do things for free here" she said. "Okay I'll do it" I said happily.

   She gave me detergent and sponge and I did the dishes, after that she gave me a plate of rice with two meats, I've never ate this type of food in my life. At home I'll work all day and still get nothing to eat.

    I ate it all and drank water, "Thank you Hajia, Allah ya saka da Alkhairi" I said and left.
    I walked all day till it was 7pm, and the sun was setting, then I remembered that I don't know anyone here, or a place to spend the night, I felt hot tears rushing down.

     I don't have anywhere to spend the night, I'm lost, lost in the middle of No where.



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