37• Time Flies like an Arrow

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I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The Brave Man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.
~Nelson Mandela

Jiddah's POV

   Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Hard work, Dedication, and Courage are the back bone of every successful journey we see out there. Today I believe that with patience and prayers nothing is imposible. After years of persistent suffering when it seemed like all hope was lost for me God showered his Mercy on me and that was when I realized that a new chapter of my life has begun and that The Jiddah of few years back is not the one standing in crowd and ready to speak to them. I looked at my family from afar and saw how genuine and happy smiles were plastered on their faces waiting for me to give my speech for the Award of Overall Best student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Science 2021.

   "Good morning Your Excellency the Governor of this distinguished State, Vice Chancellor, the faculty, staff, parents, and Class of 2021. First, I'll like to Thank and appreciate Almighty Allah for allowing us to witness this day, 4Years passed by like a blink of an eye, I won't even be standing here if not for his mercy and permission. To My Two Aunties, Aunty Aina'u and Aunty Khadija and also my Fiance I Love y'all thanks for sticking with me through everything. Thanks for your endless love, support, and encouragement. I've found that this journey has been incredibly freeing, because no matter what I had the peace of mind knowing that all of the chatter, the doubting, the criticism, the name calling, all if it was just a noise, it Didn't define me, it didn't change who I am, and it didn't change the fact that I can do it. As a child, I lost my parents at the age of 11 and since then I've had many challenges in life, the lady in front of you is did not have a normal life like every other girl. I'm a victim of spontaneous rape, domestic violence and a failed Marriage. Failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts. I'm standing here addressing you as an Orphan and a Single parent who never gave up even when it looked like the end has come hoping to be a source of inspiration for some of you.

   Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it's the courage to continue that counts. Graduation is not an end goal in life itself. Where ever your future holds and take you, enjoy every bit of it. Life is a journey and all the accomplishments and struggles we go through during the course, we should take it as a starting point for future achievement. A big congratulations to all of us Class of 2021 and insha Allah the future is bright. A big Thank you to our professors and Guardians for mentoring us, and I hope that one day you enjoy the fruits of your Labor. Thanks for listening" I rounded up with a teary eye looking at all the people giving a round of applause for my unplanned speech. The satisfaction in everyone's eyes gave me a hint that what I said somehow made sense. I left the stage to where we the graduants are and continued enjoying the Day with farouq giving me glances every now and then.

    Yes, I'm the best student in our department but I didn't know I'll be the overall best in the whole faculty, oh ya Allah, I'm amused and anxious. The program ended after we all collected our Certificates. I'm a Degree holder of International Relations, ya Allah, it feels like a dream, this is a perfect definition of Dreams do come true.
    We snapped pictures with Aunty Khadija's family, Aunty Aina'u, My 6 Year old Daughter, yeah she clocked 6 four months ago. "Wifey" he called and I gave him a glare which made everyone laugh. "Why will you be calling me that in front of everyone, besides I'm not yet your wifey" I said in a low tone. "Yeah but you'll be in a few months time, ya Allah I can't wait" he sighed. "Congratulations Babes you made me really proud today" he smiled. "Thanks" I grinned.

""Awww she's blushing" he teased. "No, I'm not" I disagreed. "I'm only the one that have not snapped with the graduate yet" he called the attention of the photographer. "Okay Sir" he replied and set his camera. He took his shot after making us come close, may be he thinks we are married.

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