38• My Jiddah

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Farouq's POV

     "Ango ka sha kamshi!" My Best friend Ameer exclaimed. "You're late" I glared at him. "It's traffic fah" he raised his hands. "Okay, So how do I look?" I grinned. "You look like Angon Jiddah" he teased and we all laughed.

   "Kai You guys should come inside fa, the imam is about to start" Kamal called our attention. We went inside the mosque and I sat behind Daddy while the Wedding fatiha started.

   We decided to shit the wedding back to two months after she graduated. I, My Dad, and Two of my Uncles went to Jiddah's village to discuss the wedding fatiha with her Uncle but he made a scene and said she's not his daughter and she'll never be so My Uncle said we should go to her Father's cousin if she has any. I called her and she told me his name and we went to meet him.

    So he's now her Waliy and will be the one to give us her hand in marriage. The Imam called the two waliys forward and asked them what they are here for, they both answered and Baba Audu, Jiddah's waliy layed down his own rules that all her feeding, clothing, health welfare, security, shelter will be my responsibilities from now hence forth. My Waliy accepted and handed over the sadaki which is N100,000, the Iman passed it to Baba Audu. It was acknowledged that the mahr has been payed and knot has been tied. The imam pronounced us as Husband and wife. We did some prayers and Namaz and that was when we became one.

    We exchanged greetings with families and well wishers and took some pictures too. We were about to take off to the city of kano when the carzy man arrived like he promised. I've been waiting for him too that's why we are here with some police officers. He was together with Jiddah's uncle.

     "Wait what's happening here?, Who dared to marry her off without my consent!, This marriage is not valid wallhi, this is the man I chose for her and he's the right person for her" Her Uncle attracted everyone's attention including the Imam. "Kaii Salmanu behave your self and don't cause any chaos here, You refused to give them her hand in marriage and they came to me, everything was done accordingly by me and our Imam here" her dad's cousin said and everyone nodded their head.

   "I don't care!, I don't care, I want him to divorce her right now, no one can have her apart from, I've been her husband right from time, why will someone come from no where and take her away from me" he said his eyes half closed. He looks weak and messy. "What is this mad man doing here" Ameer said completely clueless.

    "He's the one I told you about" I whispered. "Ohh okay" he replied and moved forward. "Hey carry your filthy self out of here" Ameer snapped his fingers. "I'm not going anywhere, and who are you?" he pushed him and Ameer punched him one his face. "Please leave him alone, That's why we are here" one of the police officers said.

     "You think you can take away what belongs to me, no!, Never, she's my property, Jiddah belongs to me" he yelled. "You lost her the moment you took her you as your property. You had more than enough time to take take care of her but you couldn't. Time is like a river. You cannot touch the same water twice, because the flow that has passed will never pass again. You've lost Jiddah forever"I told him clearly cause I won't have an insane man disturbing my wife's peace. The police left with him and Baba salmanu.

    "This Man is insane he even reeks of alcohol wollah" Ameer said and we all laughed. We left few minutes later too cause My Mom and other people kept calling Daddy so he said we should take our leave since there will be a walima after zuhr prayer.

   Jiddah's POV

    My Heart rate increased and a new feeling of anxiety and fear of the future engulfed me. I watched as everyone in the room was happy excluding me, they were busy taking selfies and teasing me. The artist is still bringing out the beauty in me as she said. Reality hit me the moment I realized that the knot has been tied and this is my second marriage, what beholds me in my new matrimonial home is what keeps me battling with my mind. I have full trust in him but change is constant, and humans are bound to changes. This Day marks the begining of our new life as a couple, as life partners and also each other's keeper and place of comfort.

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