32• A Second Chance

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Jiddah's POV

"Aunty Jiddah Mama is calling you" Little Amirah said to me. "Okay, tell her I'm coming" I said and she nodded her head and exited the room. I stood up, tied my scarf and sauntered out of the room. "Aunty Khadija I'm here" I said and she tapped the space beside her. "You've been inside the room all day, I hope you're not thinking of your marriage, it'll just ruin you my Dear, you need to move on, I've been monitoring you for the past few days and all you do is think, please focus on what's more important now, let bygones be bygones, okay" she stated. Yes, I do think of yusuf frequently, I even have nightmares but that's not what's making me worried.

"Aunty Khadija I'm not worried because of him, it's Maryam" I said and she smiled. "Jiddah kenan, kwana nawa ne in banda abunki, it's just three months, and you'll be visiting them from time to time to see her, okay?" She said. "Okay" I nodded my head not because I agree with what she said. Just like we planned, I came to Aunty Khadija's place to stay and learn how to sew, If only I knew I'll have to leave Maryam in the village. Aunty Ainau suggested I leave her there since there will be no one left at home to take care of her, Aunty Khadija is a Working Class Woman with Three Daughters, two are married While the last born Amira, is in primary 4. she said I won't focus and learn if I'll have to take her with me to the tailoring shop.

"Please I want you to be free and lively, this house is just like your home, okay?" She said, "Okay, insha Allah, Thank you" I said shyly. "Yauwa ko ke fah" she smiled. I've been in this house for just a week but believe me they are very nice and caring.

Aunty Ainau talked to her on phone and she said she's very okay with the idea and even said she'll take me to her Tailor's place as an apprentice. She took me to the Tailor's place two days after I came to her house and and even payed the fees. The program is for three months, if you don't learn after three months, you'll have to renew your payment.

I don't think I'll be able to learn how to sew in just three months, the dresses she makes are very nice and beautiful, I love the design, just that the woman is a bit strict. She has six workers and 8Apprentice, they all came before me, so they know how to use the sewing machine and do other little things. "Hope you like the place?" She questioned. "Yes..." I smiled. "Okay that's nice, Jiddah a maida hankali kinji, banda Wasa, you can own your own business in the next four to five months if you focus and learn well, please use this opportunity wisely" she advised.

"Insha Allahu Aunty Khadija, I won't disappoint you" I said and she nodded her head. We watched TV and later retired to bed. I used 50,000 out of the 150k to buy a phone, some clothes for me, Maryam, and safiyya(Aunty Ainau's daughter) and some food stuffs though Aunty Ainau was against it at first, 'If I don't use the money to care of us what else should I do with it.' I said to her. Alhamdulillah for Allah's mercy and intervention in my life, things have been going smoothly since my marriage with Yusuf ended, there is no reason to stay in a toxic relationship, it'll just stop you from growing, both physically and emotionally.

Three Days Later

"Amirah your breakfast is ready" I said loudly enough for her to hear me. "Thank you Aunty Jiddah" she said ano collected the plate. I went back to my room to take my bath and get ready for the day after preparing the food we'll take out. I quickly took my bath and cladded in a black gown, rubbed cream on my face and hands and legs, and applied kajol. "Jiddah are you done?"Aunty Khadija asked from the parlour. "Yes, gani nan zuwa" I took my hijab and rushed out. "Sorry for the delay" I said after adjusting my seat belt. "It's fine, let's drop Amira first" she said and I nodded my head.


I'm feeling very tired and exhausted today, we stood all day watching what the workers were doing and surprisingly I'm beginning to pick up some things. I lied on the bed and Maryam instantly Crossed my mind, I left my phone at home today, I whispered to myself and switched on the phone. 4missed calls from Aunty Ainau and 2missed calls from an unknown number. I dialed aunty Ainau's number and she answered immediately.

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