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In Honour of fameenah isha_ahman and Rosulu

  Jiddah's POV

   This life is so ridiculous, and some people never cease to surprise me, Kawu after hearing that I'm getting married to Yusuf, came to take me back to the village, saying that is my origin and aunty Ai'nau has no right to marry me off without his consent, she apologized but insisted on me staying here, I wonder what that son of his is doing with his life Currently, enjoy Habibu, enjoy before I come for you.

   When Kawu saw Maryam, he was baffled. "She looks like Habibu, Ya Salam, I should have listened to your reasons Jiddah, I wish you will can give me this granddaughter of mine so I can raise her up, it may reduce the guilt in me" Is he drunk or something?? "No Godforbid!" I blotted and Aunty Ai'nau laughed. Non of my children will ever live with them.

   It happened so fast, after that visit, Yusuf went back to the city but not without giving me a phone, He calls two to three times a week to check up on me and I must say I'm falling in love with him. He said he's so eager to have me and can't wait any longer, to sum it up, our wedding is next week!, Yes, how time flies right.

  He added that Jamb registration will soon start and he wants to enroll me in a lesson so I can pass in flying colours, education aside, I think he's quite good, this is my opportunity, to start a new life and become a better person.

   He brought a woman who will take care of my skin till the wedding day, he brought enough food stuffs that will last even after the wedding, and of course Kawu demanded to see him so he went to the village to meet him.

    He also brought Lefe, I was scared and shocked, I mean all that was mine what do you expect?, 12boxes, expensive clothings, including 3Gold Necklaces and a Diamond ring, who the hell does that to a village girl?.

   I told him the things he put in the Lefe was too much but he said more clothes are waiting for me in the city, Rich people do exist in the world. I Jiddah who use to sleep hungry is wearing a gold necklace and is going to attend a university, Alhamddulillah.


  Wedding Day💍

   Jiddah's POV

The knot has been Tied, I'm now a Married woman, I'm married to Yusuf  Ishaq, what a blessing. I feel sad that I'm living the village, Aunty Ai'nau, my cousins, and my Maryam, Ayntu Ai'nau said I can't go with her, that she'll send her to me two weeks later, I'm emotionally weak, and I've been crying since.

  Aunty Ai'nau gave a warm speech and Nasiha's to me before covering my face with the veil. "Please Stop crying, don't ruin your makeup" Aunty Ai'nau said as she took me outside along side other women.
  "I'm going to miss all of you Goggo" I hugged her crying, I don't know why but I feel like something is wrong somewhere. She separated our bodies and pushed me into the car, she was crying too, Allah sarki my Goggo, I love you Soo much.

   I heard Maryam crying and I tried coming out of the car but they stopped me. "Googo she's crying" I sobbed, "She'll stop crying later, are we strangers to her?" She scolded. "Sorry Goggo" I wiped away my tears.

   I wanted to be escorted by elders like it's normally done but Yusuf said No, that he want to take only his wife with him. If he had allowed some women to take me then probably Maryam will come along with me, and then they can take her back, my Baby is crying, and I can't do anything about it.

   We bid them goodbye and drove off, the drive was silent if not for my sobbing. "Jiddah" he called. "This is not a forced or Arrange Marriage so please stop crying, you're disturbing us" he said a bit annoyed.

  Maybe he seems hurt thinking that I'm not happy with our marriage, but isn't it normal for a bride to cry on her wedding day, especially my type that has a daughter. "That's not the reason for.. for my tears, it's Maryam, she's going to cry alot" I sobbed. "Aunty Ai'nau is there, nothing will happen to her" he said and I nodded my head. I dozed off thinking about my Maryam.

    "Wake up Jiddah, we have arrived" I felt someone tap my cheek. I opened my eyes and yawned a little then came out of the car.

  He held my hand and we went into the house, The view of the house glued my feet to the ground, it's night so I didn't see the outside clearly. The house is too amazing, so this is where I'm going to live, this heaven!. "Follow after you are done staring" he said.

   I chuckled nervously and followed him, we went upstairs and he showed me a room. "That's your room. Let me get something from the car and Join you" he said and I nodded my head.

    I opened the door to the room and wollah I almost fainted, am I still in this dunya, or perhaps we had an accident on our way and died, and now we are in heaven. My eyes landed on the Big size bed in the middle of the room and I moved close to it.

   "6 people can sleep here comfortably" I whispered. I sat on it but got up Immediately, it's so soft and I felt like I was going to fall into it. I sat again and then climbed it fully,the bed sheet is as soft as the feathers of a bird, everywhere in the room look so Masha Allah.

  I can sleep on this all day and won't get tired. Let me rest a bit before Yusuf comes in, I layed on the bed and closed my eyes, savouring the new feeling and the heart warming welcome from my new environment.

Things are happening 😯don't you think they were too fast about the Marriage thing🤔, shaa let me mind my business😆😊.

  Please vote and comment, another chapter below, I think we'll enjoy reading the book if the update is much so I forced myself to write 3chaps, oya clap for me😊🥰🤪

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