13•Maryama Maijiddah

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Eight months later

Jiddah's POV

   I later followed my Aunty to Yan Kwaba, promising she'll come back and take my inheritance from kawu. She has been taking care of me and my Baby and now I'm heavily pregnant, I still can't believe the fact that I'm becoming a mother. I'm so eager to see my child, to hug and kiss my baby, to love and take care of him/her, my Baby will have a better life Insha Allah.

     I took the herbal medicine Goggo brought for me Yesterday, and lay down to rest a bit but a slight painful pain made me shout, I bit my lower lip and sat upright but the pain wont stop, rather water came rushing down from beneath me. "Goggo!" I shouted her name, "Wayyo Allah na Goggo, Goggo!" I cried. "Jiddah,jikin ne?" She asked coming into the hut.

    "Goggo, zafi, Zan mutu" I cried, "Sanny Jiddah, baxaki mutu ba, barin kira Yalwa" she rushed out to call the TBA(Traditional birth attendant). It kept contracting and the pain I was feeling was unbearable, I crouched and put my hand behind my back, Wayyo Allah na!, I was sweating profusely.

   Aunty Ai'nau came back later with Goggo Yalwa, "lay down" she ordered. "Goggo Ina Jin tsoro"(I'm scared" I cried shaking. "Haba Jiddah, ji nake shekaran jiyan nan Saratll ta haihu, Kuma sa'arki ce"(C'mon Jiddah, even Saratu your mate gave birth day before yesterday, you can do it) she encouraged me.


    I kept pushing and breathing in and out but the baby wasn't coming, it's almost two hour and there is no progress, I'm dying, the pain is too much, never knew it's this painful to give birth. "Jiddah sannu" Goggo cleaned the sweat on my forehead and neck. "Sha wnnan"(Drink this) the TBA brought something close to my mouth, I've been taking herbs since.

   "Try once again, push" Goggo Yalwa said massaging the bumb. I pushed with all my energy and then felt a pain making me to shout and grab my hair, the Baby is out!, I gave birth!. "Barka barka!" Aunty Ai'nau said. I was too weak to even raise a finger, I was just breathing slowly.

       "Jiddah sannu" She said again. "Yar Kyakyawa da ita kuwa, an samu mace" (it's a baby girl), Alhamddulillah, my Baby girl, what should I name her?.

     "Ai'nau ki wanke jinjirar Zan Kula da uwar"(Ai'nau wash the baby I'll  take care of the mother) Goggo Yalwa Said, she called me a mother.

     She helped me get up and took me to the toilet, washed me up and bath me with a hot water, it was very hot and I just kept shouting, but I felt better after the bath. The whole of my body was in pain, my joint, my muscle, and the place the baby came out from, it pain the most.

   I changed into a new cloth and she gave me socks to wear. "For the first 40 days you can drink just hot water, I'll send a medicine to you, sannu" she concluded and left. Few minutes later, Aunty Ai'nau came in with a baby in her hand and handed her to me, I was too scared to collect her, will I be a good mother to her, what does it really mean to be a mother.

   "Jiddah kenan karbeta mna" She chuckled, "To"I said. She handed the baby to me and by Allah she looks so much like me, but her lips resembles that of Habibu, why did you have to take after his lips.

   LShe's very pretty, she seems relaxed in her mother's hand, a very beautiful girl, I kissed her forehead, her hand, and then hugged her, Allah ya Miki Albarka Yata.

   " What will you name her?" Goggo asked, "Nana Maryam" I said shyly, "Okay Allah ya raya" she chuckled. She is using my name as her surname, because she doesn't have a father, I'm her mother and father, she is Maryam Maijiddah.

   "Goggo nagode sosai, Banda kamarki a duniya goggo, ke uwace a gare ni Allah ya saka da alkhairi"(Googo I am really thankful, I have no one like you, you are a mother to me, may God bless you)

  "Ameen ameen, clean those tears now" she scolded. "Tohm" I hugged her. Aunty Ai'nau, she's more kind than how Mama use to describe her to me.


A year later

  My Maryam is a year old while I'm currently writing my SSCE, Aunty Ai'nau sponsored my education, but I went to an adult school where they will teach you the basics and you'll write SSCE, it's mostly for those who are too old to attend a normal school, I'm 18 but they still admitted me, after Aunty Ai'nau told them I am a nursing mother, they think I'm a married woman.

   I worked hard and made sure I passed all my tests and assignment, it wouldn't have been possible without my Aunty. I'm back from school and Maryam ran to me and hugged me, I don't know why this girl is so sweet and beautiful.

"Oyoyo, Yarinyan Mamanta" I bit her cheek, "Hope she didn't trouble you today" I asked Safiya, Goggo's last born, she's 12 years old. "A'a wasa ma kwai take tayi"(At all, She was just playing).

   "Okay good" I said and gave Safiya the Awara I bought on my way home.  "Assalamu Alaikum, Goggo, barka da yamma" I greeted removing my hijab. "Sannu Yan Makaranta, ya jarabawa?(How was the exam?) She asked.

   "Alhamddulillah, Goggo" I smiled. I changed into a gown and went straight to the kitchen yard to prepare dinner and the food I sell, I make garau garau and give it Musa, to sell for me, he is an almajiri, I pay him per week.

  I also need to help out, goggo is a widow with 5 children. Three are Schooling in a boarding school in town, while Safiyya and Adam are still in Junior school, she's really trying.

    After dinner, I went to Aunty Ai'nau's hut and had a little chat with her before retiring to bed with my little angel.

Wow Jiddah gave birth😯🥺

Please vote and comment, I try naa😉😊💗🙉

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