Thursday, December 18th, 20XX: 09:23

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Missing Person Report

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Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo.]


Tubbo Underscore came in early Thursday morning to report his best friend and classmate missing. He claims he has not spoken to him since Wednesday afternoon right after school he claims this is unusual behavior; Thomas Innes has a history of running away from foster homes however Mr. Underscore has said that even when he runs away he goes to the same few places and people; After contacting Thomas Innes's current foster home they have not seen him since yesterday afternoon; because of other events a missing persons report has been made


I'm not sure why I'm looking into this. Maybe it's because this isn't the first missing kid in the last two years, all blonde hair and blue eyes. All still missing, bodies have never been found. This all could be just a coincidence however I do not think so. This is one too many boys missing with that description an age range in the last couple of years. However without any bodies turning up and lack of evidence nothing has come about it.

I think another reason for looking into this case might have to be that I kind of know the kid. He's Wilbur's friend I've seen around when I came over to see Phil. Not sure how Wilbur met him as the two are eight years apart. No matter, I should start looking into any possible leads.

Case Taken by: Technoblade Withers.


Techno stared at this computer screen and sighed. Something about this case just wasn't sitting right with him. There was something missing and yet right there, and somehow that made him more intrigued. He checked his phone, Phil and Wilbur won't be back till Saturday morning. He could call and ask them for any information they had on Thomas, though he highly doubts it as both have been out of town since Tuesday.

He set the file over to Rosie and grabbed his coat, he needed to get a start and the first place to start was looking into the foster parents. He left his office and passed Puffy, the sheriff of the county and a close friend of his. "Where are you heading?" She asked looking up from her desk.

"A kid came in this morning reporting that his friend was missing. I'm looking into it." He says.

"Wow, didn't take you as a big softie." She says with a chuckle.

"I'm not but something about this case caught my eye."

"What's the kid's name?"

"Thomas Innes,"

"Huh, I know the child." She said with a thoughtful look.

"You do?"

"Yeah, he's a bit of a trouble maker so I've had to yell at him and his friends a few times about spray painting the water tower. He's also a few grades up from my daughter."

"Huh." He says, before heading towards the door.

"Good luck, if you need any help let me know!" she called after him, "Will do."

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