Friday, December 19th, 20XX, 04:18

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Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. ]

Search Report 01

Date: Friday, December 19th, 20XX, 04:18

After looking for hours very little has come up. No bodies of any of the missing persons nor Thomas Innes. At around 1 am I was able to find a stuffed cow and cellphone belonging to Thomas Innes as confirmed by Niki Enders, Schlatt Underscore, and Tubbo Underscore in the soccer field near the High School and the old factory. Captain Puffy and I are planning on going out to the old factory later on Friday to see if maybe Thomas Innes had gone in there and became trapped, both she and I had talked of checking it out further but because of the time and limited resources we had decided to hold off. Thomas Innes's phone seems to be broken beyond repair. When going to recover the SD card we saw that it was missing. Thomas Innes could have taken it out however Captin Puffy and I are going to be checking around the soccer field as soon as the sun comes up to see if we can find the SD card.


I hate to say it but it's starting to take a turn for the worse. Puffy thinks that he might have been taken but I'm going to say till more evidence comes up to prove otherwise, for all that we know Thomas could have taken out the SD card to prevent his foster parents from seeing anything on his phone. I wish I could ask Phil what he thinks but he's already asleep, I'll just have to call him in the morning.

Signed by: Technoblade Withers


Techno put a hand through his hair as he stared at his computer screen. It was almost four-thirty in the morning. He glanced over at this empty cup of coffee and debated getting another cup. He sighed before getting up and walking out of his office and towards the coffee machine that everyone at the station shared.

"Techno? You still here?" Puffy called from inside of her office, her voice sounded tired. He couldn't blame her.

"Yeah." He said walking over to her doorway.

"You really should be heading home and at least get a few hours of sleep." She said leaning back into her chair. Even from where he stood in the doorway he could see the effects from the lack of sleep set into her face.

"I feel like that wouldn't be fair for you."

She chuckled. "Don't worry, as soon as you come back in a few hours I'll go home and sleep."

He sighs, it's clear that there was no getting around this, but he tried anyway. "What if you go home first and I stay here,"

"No way. I know you Techno and I know you'll stay here and as soon as I get back you won't go home and get any sleep."

"That's not-"

"It is true and we both know it. Now go home Techno, I'll see you around nine." he sighs before nodding. He goes back towards his office and grabs his coat before heading out. The early morning was freezing and dark. The sun wouldn't be up for another three hours. He headed to his car and after starting it leaned back and sighed. The warmth of the heaters beats out the cold.

A few minutes later he drove the short drive back to his house. It was only a few streets away from Phil's. It was a quiet little thing with a backyard facing towards the forest. He had a fence around the backyard to keep out any deer, wildcats, or bears. The outside of the house wasn't anything special nor was the inside.

He entered the house and turned on the light. A fluffy white and black cat began to meow as a greeting, he knelt down and petted her. "Hello Baba, I know, I know. Come on I have to go to bed." He makes sure to check up on her food and litter before changing into sweat pants. He had two bedrooms, one his, and the other he made into a guest room for whenever Wilbur would stay over when he was younger. It had been a few years since it had been used.

He put his phone on the charger and passed out in a matter of minutes.

He could feel his breath in the cold winter night as he ran, his feet were most likely bleeding from sharp pieces of ice and snow digging into his skin. He had to run, if he didn't then he would catch up.

The alleyways were a maze in the empire of winding nothing that would lead you to your frozen death if you weren't careful. His mother had warned him of that when he was so very young. Now he runs for his life as the man with the mask chases behind.

He blinks awake, the sun is streaming through his window. He blinks, looking around wondering why he was awake? He picks up his phone and checks the time, his alarm shouldn't have gone off yet but he is greeted with a message from Phil.

Phil: Wilbur left he should be back by 8 am. 


Author's Note: Techno Lore? Techno lore! I have been wanting to talk about the fact that Techno has a cat since like chapter 2. I was originally going to have Techno have a dog but decided against it because Techno is too much of a workaholic and is rarely home enough to be able to take care of a dog. He might get a doggo in later chapters but not now. I'm about four chapters from three more VERY important characters to come onto the scene. I might throw in a bonus chapter this week about the main characters of the story and a bit of background about them!

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