Thursday, December 18th, 20XX: 10:08

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Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo.]

Start of Investigation-

Report 01; Thursday, December 18th, 20XX, 10:08:

Went to speak with Mr. and Mrs. Bloom and see if either of them had any information in regards to Thomas Innes. Mr. and Mrs. Bloom are Thomas Innes's current foster parents. Mr. Bloom info me about how Thomas was somewhat of a troubled teen who found himself constantly getting in trouble both at home and school. This seems to line up with what Sheriff Puffy had told me earlier. When asked about the day before Mr. Bloom spoke of him and Thomas getting into a verbal argument over the school before Thomas stormed out of the house. Mrs. Bloom notes that it had started snowing heavily right before.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Bloom had informed me that they had been considering calling Thomas's caseworker because of the problems stated above. I asked if they had told this to Thomas and both had said they had informed him during the argument that took place the day before. Based on what both have said they are currently the last two to have seen Thomas Innes. When asked why they didn't report Thomas Innes missing the two said that he was a flight risk and ran off all the time and was probably just at a friend's house. When asked for the names of his friend's neither was able to give a name. I thanked them for their time before leaving.


I highly doubt it was them, both of them seem to care far little. Neither knew of any of his friends and seemed to care even left that he has a habit of running away. That makes me wonder if Tubbo Underscore hadn't made the report how long would it have taken for someone to report him missing. I'm sure Wilbur would have as seen as he gets back and realized he was gone. I'm going to interview Tubbo Underscore and see if he can give me a few names of other friends or even other people Thomas might have talked to for any kind of lead.

The only thing I hope is that Thomas hadn't somehow made it into the forest. Both because of the weather and the land itself would make it impossible to find anyone or any kind of body. If I don't have any leads by tonight I'm going to ask Puffy to help organize a search party.

Sighed by: Technoblade Withers


Techno left the Blooms with a bit of a burning disliking towards them. They clearly were no help but not only that they might have been the reason Thomas ran the night before. If he was in danger part of that blame was on them. He should contact Thomas's caseworker when he gets back to the station as well as request his files to see if there is anything on it that could help him. The air outside was cold and quiet. An eerie quiet that came with the snow and ice that felt as if the world were on a standstill. This was the last week before kids at the schools would be on holiday break.

The town was large with a population of close to ten thousand, however, it was alone. The nearest other town wasn't for close to thirty miles east. Trees were on all sides of the town for miles and miles making it just as alone.

"Techno!" yells a voice, he turns and sees Dream W. Akenn. Techno wouldn't say he disliked the man per se but there was just something about the man that came off as off. Techno may have only lived in this town for a little bit but Dream was always just off somehow. He had mentioned it to Phil when he had first moved here and Phil and shrugged, it seemed fine to him. So Techno just brushed it off, every just too wide of a smile or laugh.

"Dream," he said as he walked over towards the man's house. It was covered in Christmas lights that were brightly lit at night.

"What are you doing around here? Tommy get in trouble again?"

"No why do you ask?"

The man just chuckled. "Well, normally it's Puffy that goes to talk to him."

"Well, he was reported missing earlier this morning. I'm looking for any possible leads. Do you happen to see him yesterday afternoon?"

"I thought Wilbur wasn't gonna be back till Saturday?"

"He is, it was a classmate that made the report."

"Huh, weird. Well, I have to get going or I'll be late for work," he said leaving towards his car.

"Sure, have a good day."

"You too Techno, I hope you find him. He's probably just staying at a different friend's house."

"Maybe," he mumbled watching as the man get in his car and drive off. He made his way over to his car, the wind had begun to pick up once again. He needed to and talk to Tubbo. 

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