Friday, December 19th, 20XX, 08:19

773 42 26

Author's Note: Finally, we have reached the chapter I have called 'Baby Teeth'.


Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. ]


Techno had stared down at the message for much longer than he would like to admit. After his mind finally caught up he half jumped out of bed, waking Baba who meowed in protest at him. He quickly sent a message back to Phil before leaving his bedroom. Then a knock came from the front door echoing through the house. It only took him a moment to reach the front door and open it.

Standing in front of him was Wilbur, who looked disheveled and exhausted from lack of sleep. "Wilbur," he says gesturing for the man to come in. The young man nods before heading inside the house and away from the bitter chill of the old winter morning's air. He rubbed his hands together before taking off his boots and following Techno into the dining room area. He offered Wilbur a cup of coffee and the two sat down. It was silent as the two sipped at their coffee, "So." He began.

"I- this is all my fault."


"No, if I had been here he wouldn't have been kidnapped."

"He wasn't kidnapped,"

"How do you know?"

"Well, for starters there is no evidence to show he has been kidnapped,"

"But-" He held up a finger telling him to wait for him to finish, "Tommy has a record for running away from his foster homes, whose to say he didn't run away? Till we have more evidence this is just a missing person case."

Wilbur was silent for a long moment after. He knew Wilbur didn't believe him,, Wilbur was too strong-willed and nothing he said would change that. "He probably took him." he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.


"Dream! That fucker has always been so fucking creepy towards Tommy!"

"How so?"

"He, I don't know! He just is, he would always seem just a bit too friendly towards him and just always seem to be where we were." He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at Wilbur, his face most have given away the message because Wilbur continued.

"I know, I know. This is a small town and we were always in public but still! Like this one time, we were sure he took a photo of us!"

"Are you sure?"

"Well, no, but I just know!"

He sighs, "Wilbur we can't make a conclusion about someone without evidence."

"I know, I just. I know he's behind it."

The two went back to sitting in silence the only noise being the ticking of the old clock he had inside of the dining room. It had once belonged to his grandmother and then to his mother. He hadn't known the woman but from the stories, his mother would fondly tell she was a headstrong woman with a good heart, something his mother said he had as well.

"You know," Wilbur finally began, "Just last week Tommy had been telling me about how he had just lost one of his baby teeth," he gave the man a questioning look. Wilbur looked as though he were on the verge of tears.

"Not one of the front ones but one of the back ones and he," the young man couldn't help but choke back a sob, "He was so happy to show me and was so surprised he still had some left and we laughed and laughed as I told him 'Toms you know all the back ones have to fall out too not just the front ones,' and just went on about how that was so dumb." He watched as Wilbur began to cry, tears spilling down his cheeks.

Techno had never been great with showing emotion and at times like these he would always ask for Phil or on the even rarer chance, Kristin to help him out, but neither were here. He slid out of his seat and walked around to be at Wilbur's side.

"Will look at me," He said, Wilbur still was sobbing, his cheeks now a bright red. He looked as though he were just a little kid again sobbing away to Techno about how much he missed his parents even though Will was only staying the night for a day while the two were having a date night. This was different of course, Wilbur had every right to cry.

"This isn't your fault, we will find Thomas, ok?" He says staring at the teary-eyed face of Wilbur, who only nodded. Wilbur whipped away his tears with the sleeve of his shirt before nodding once again. "Yeah, he'll-he'll be ok."

"Now, I need to go get ready, we are gonna start the search again." He said, looking at the clock. Wilbur only nodded as he stared at his cup of coffee.

"I'm coming with you." he finally said, he could only shake his head.

"Wilbur how much sleep have you had?"

"Does it matter?"

"Yes, because if you are not in your best shape to look then you could miss something, or even worse you could get hurt."

"I'll be fine!" He yelled standing up to meet Techno's eyes.

"Look, Will, I just don't anything to happen to you either."

"I'm an adult Techno I can take care of myself, stop treating me like a child!"

"Wilbur I know you're an adult but you're not thinking logically right now. You're tired and running on only your emotions. Go to bed and then come help in a few hours when you're thinking straight."


"That's not up for debate Wilbur." He snapped. He hated raising his voice at Will but this did shut him up. Wilbur still had tears in his eyes as he looked at Techno with hatred. "Fine." He said in a bitter tone.

He sighed before going back to his room to get ready. After all, he had a long day ahead of him. 

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