Tuesday, December 23rd, 20XX, 17:56

569 34 19

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if they had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say. It's not his fault, he didn't mean to.' ]


Techno had walked into the meeting room with Jack. The others were already there sitting, files and photos still covering the table. Agent Halo was on his laptop typing away something barely given then a glance. Agent Diamond was next to the man looking as bored as ever. He took a seat across from the agents next to Puffy, Jack on the other side of him.

"Thank you for coming with such short notice." Agent Warden said and the others nodded. "We heard about what happened after we left. I'm sorry this seems to be causing so much grief for you three. If we had known we wouldn't have given away that much info to the other officers."

"It's not your fault, the other officers were being unprofessional," Puffy said.

"Still. However, we do have some good news." Agent Warden said before clapping his hands together once with a smile on his face. "We were able to get a warrant to search Dream's house." He said.

"I'm surprised that you were able to get it on such short notice," Jack said with an air of thoughtfulness.

"We should get going now," Agent Diamond said standing up. "Techno you're coming with me, Puffy would you like to join us?" The woman shook her head.

"I'd love to, however, I need to stay here and make sure nothing happens while you're gone, Jack, you go with them in my place." The man nodded before going to grab his coat. The three men grabbed their things and quickly headed out, making sure to go through the back door to not draw attention to themselves from the mob.

They had decided to take Jack's car since his car was parked right outside the front of the station. Jack's car wasn't anything too fancy or new, it was a nice blue color with gray leather seats. To be real he was quite surprised this car hadn't had any real problems yet.

He let agent Diamond sit in the passenger seat while he was in the back. Like most days it seemed to be snowing. It wasn't bad at that moment however he knew that at any moment it could get worse. He watched as they drove to Dream's house, in the front agent Diamond and Jack were talking quietly about something, he wasn't listening.

Just as quickly they pulled into the driveway. It was late enough in the day that he knew Dream would be home. Today was the last day at school before winter break. They parked the car and the three of them quickly exited, a cold blast of air hit him in the face and he couldn't help but shiver. On days like these, it felt as though he was back in the frozen city. He quickly brushed off that thought and walked with them towards the door. Jack nodded and the three waited, not a moment later the door opened.

In front of them was Dream. He was wearing a nice button-up and slakes. "Gentleman, what a surprise. What can I help you with?" Though his voice was friendly, his expression looked pained and like he was trying to put on an act.

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