The Finale

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Techno looked over at the kitchen as Phil finished setting up. The whole living room and dining room were covered in decorations. Phil and he had spent the last few hours filling up balloons and covering the living room and dining room with streamers. All of them are a mix of reds and whites with gold glitter mixed in. He thought it looked a bit chaotic but nice.

"Did you finish icing the cake?" He called as he walked into the kitchen to have a look.

"I did," Phil said before rolling his eyes to put away everything and clean up.

"Good, because Wilbur will be here any minute." He said walking back out into the living room to take one last glance around the room. He thought it looked pretty good but who was he to say. Baba was sleeping on the back of the couch. He huffed before walking back into the dining room, Phil was placing plates on the table.

"When did Will say he was gonna be here?" Phil asked, looking towards the front door.

"Any minute, he said he was gonna pick up the pizza after-" he was cut off at the sound of a car pulling into the doorway and shutting off. He heard the car door shut and the muffled sound of voices speaking. Then the door was being opened.

"That doesn't even make any sense!" Wilbur said with the boxes of pizzas in his arms, trying to open the front door.

"Of course it does!" Said the voice of Tommy walking in right behind him.

He looked so much different than he did over two years ago. For starters he was much much taller than he had been and was now taller than Phil. His cheeks were much more filled out, he was still a bean pole but no matter what he never seemed to gain any more weight. His hair was puffy and healthy and no longer did his eyes seem tired and shallow. Now they were as bright as summer.

"Surprise!" Both he and Phil yelled as soon as Tommy turned to look into the house. He went wide-eyed as the three laughed. Steve ran out to greet them, the fluffy large white dog running to greet his owner. Tommy all but grinned.

"We wanted to surprise you for your sixteenth birthday!" Wilbur said with a laugh as he closed the door behind him. Tommy all but smiled as he ran over and hugged him, Techno couldn't help but hug him back.

"Thank you," He said softly, Techno just smiled and rubbed small circles on his back before after a moment the two parted.

"Tommy gets over here I'm hungry!" Wilbur complained as he began to open the pizza boxes and start digging into the food. Phil just glared at Wilbur, giving him a look that said really? Techno walked over and took a seat next to Phil.

Tommy walked with a slight limp. He had brought him to a physical therapist for it and the doctor said that he would never be able to walk correctly again. If Tommy minded he never said anything about it.

Tommy began grabbing slices of pizza and digging in. Chatting about his day and how he had spent it with Tubbo and Ranboo and the chaos those three went up to. It had been over a year and a half since Techno had officially adopted Tommy.

There were a lot of reasons behind why but only one of them really matters now. Tommy turned and grinned at Techno, mouth full of half-chewed pizza, he just rolled his eyes and told him that grinning with your mouth full was rude and gross. Tommy just rolled his eyes back. The only reason that mattered was that Tommy was his kid.

Once they had finished eating, Phil went into the kitchen and brought out a cake. It was white and red with two candles on the top. The candles read sixteen. Phil set the cake down in front of Tommy and lit the candles. They then began to sing happy birthday to him, once the song was finished Tommy blew out the candles.

As the candles went out Techno couldn't help but smile. Everything was okay, everything would be okay.


Author's Note: Sorry for the short ending, I thought you all would be happy to have had Techno adopt Tommy after everything that happened. Thank you to everyone that loved this fic and supported me through it all, you all are wonderful. 

So here is the why for why Dream was so obsessed with Tommy. So, when Dream was 19 and his father was fostering Tommy, the love of his life George died very suddenly. Dream never got over that death and blamed Tommy for it while also thinking that Tommy had caused the death. (He did not clearly, he was two) sometimes people will connect events with people when grieving, though Dream never got the help and just ended up falling down a very dark rabbit hole.

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