Sunday, December 21st, 20XX, 09:06

665 36 15

Author's Note: Was I busy working on getting my discord set up to not update,, never. But here we are! Hope you enjoy the chapter


Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say.' ]


Techno put his head onto his steering wheel and closed his eyes. He had barely slept for the last few nights and the sleep he was getting just was barely enough for him to make it through the long day. He looked up and glanced towards the station, it was covered in yet another fresh layer of snow from the previous night. A few feet away from his car was a black SUV, one that let him know that an agent or two were here. He sighed before stepping out of his car, closing his door behind him, and walking towards the building. The air was frigid and made his face feel numb.

He opened the front door quickly and made sure to give a nod towards Rosie who only gave him a soft smile before returning back to her work. He walked towards the back meeting room where Puffy had said they would be. He entered and noted the three unknown faces. The first thing he noticed was that two of the men in the room were tall, even taller than himself which was a feat in itself. Techno is 6'5 and the two of the men in the room are somehow even taller than that. The third man was shorter than himself and the other two but taller than Puffy.

The tallest of the three men had short blonde hair with the tips of the hair being almost neon green. He was built like himself and wore a black suit with a green tie. The man also had a long scar that started at the bottom of his face and to his nose. The second tallest man had short dark hair with the tips also being red. He wore a black dress shirt with a black pair of slacks. He had a smile on his face when Techno had come through the door and seemed the easiest to speak to out of the three at first glance. Finally, the shortest of the three. He was wearing a blue dress shirt and black slacks, and like the other two, his hair also had the ends a different color, blue to be exact.

"Ah, Techno you're finally here. Agents, this is detective Technoblade Withers. He's a retired FBI agent that now does private investigation work. He also has been helping me out since my deputy is out till tomorrow. Techno, this Agent Warden, Agent Halo, and Agent Diamond."

"It's nice to meet you," He said, reaching over and shaking all of their hands before taking a seat.

"I wish we could have met under different circumstances," Agent Warden began as he started opening up files and passing them out to the others. "However, we were called in from the L'Manburg unit after you called in regards to the body that was discovered."

"I thought you three were from the L'Manburg unit," He asked curiously.

"No, we're the special unit from the Badlands unit. See we actually have dealt with something like this before. I'm going to have Agent Diamond go down and look at the body, however, if what we were informed is current then he could have resurfaced again or this could be a copycat."

He looked over at Puffy and she looked at him, they then turned back to the agents. "What killer do you think it is?" Puffy asked though he doubted she would know unless it was a big name or she had done a lot of research.

"We believe it's the Smiley Face killer. See," then the man began opening up the files to show the two of them at least a dozen photos of bodies with smiley faces carved into the skin. "All of the victims have the same MO. All blonde hair, all between the ages twelve and sixteen, and most of them have blue eyes." The two nodded as he continued.

"The first body was found around ten years ago in L'Manburg. After that, over a dozen more have been found. Then about four years ago we stopped finding any more bodies. This is where this case begins to get a bit strange. Normally serial killers of this degree will keep going till they get caught. Neither of which has happened. Not only that but the time between the victims is almost random, he could have a victim for a month or even the longest we've seen is up to a year."

"Where were the victims found?" Puffy asked as she looked through the files.

"In the city, it was always in gallon drums but they were in places where there was low traffic. The bodies had been there for months before being discovered." Agent Warden said.

"However, since the town is surrounded by forest I'm going to say that there is a very high chance that if this is the Smiley Face killer then he's most likely burying the bodies or just dumping them deep enough in the forest so he won't get caught." Agent Diamond said.

"You keep saying 'he', how do you know the unsub is male?" He asked, the other agent just nodded before pointing to one of the photos. Puffy gave him a confused look, "Ah sorry, unsub means unknown suspect. It's a lot easier to say when talking about cases like these." She nodded.

"The fifth victim was found to have large bruise marks around his arm in the sharp of a hand. We weren't able to do much with that; however, we know that the unsub has to be at least six feet tall and have some muscle on him." he let out a hum looking at the photos. They talked a bit more about the case before Puffy suggested they all take a break and then get started on looking for any more leads. They all nodded, he should get himself some coffee, this was gonna be a long day. 

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