Search Party 02

751 41 23

Author's Note: Hahaha,,, Did I might have been busy last week. First, the Minecraft update came out and I just didn't want to write, which is whatever but no that's not all! No, no. See every time I was on my laptop for more than like 20 minutes I would become really sick which sucked. I ended up figuring out how to fix that problem so yay.

Also! I have a playlist for this fic on Spotify by the same name if anyone would like to listen!


Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. ]


Techo had gotten to the station around nine in the morning, Puffy had quickly left after he had arrived. Soon almost everyone from the day before returned to help with the search. He and the others left quickly after a brief update which wasn't much and where they still need people to look. He decided to join Schlatt today as the two of them went looking in the forest.

It had begun to snow once more though nothing to worry all that much about. He and Schlatt were quiet as they called out Thomas's name over and over for at least two hours, the only thing they heard was the silence of the trees or the echo of their own voices.

"Tubs didn't sleep well last night. I told him he could skip school to get some sleep. I know he won't but I'd like to think he will."

"Well, if he doesn't he'll crash. I had to tell Wilbur this morning."

"He's back? Tubs said he wouldn't be back till tomorrow."

"Well, he didn't take the news of Thomas's disappearance well and came back first thing this morning." He said as the two looked around the frozen trees around them. It was so easy to become lost in these woods. Even during the winter months when the trees all look the same, there were so many drop-offs that were impossible to see unless you knew where they were.

"Mm, that makes sense. I do have a question for you." Schlatt finally said after a few minutes of just calling out Thomas's name and either hearing their own voices or silence.

"Go right ahead." He said making sure to watch his step as the two of them began to down downhill. "Why did you move here anyway? Not much is out here." the other man asked glancing over at him. It was a reasonable question after all. Not like the two of them could just talk about sports or the weather while looking for a missing child.

"I moved out here because Phil was already living out here." He said, which was true. He had moved out here because of Phil in a way. "I'm sure there had to be another reason too," the other man said with a half chuckle, somehow that seemed to make the mood sour in his mouth.

"There was," he finally added. He couldn't help but look around at the trees. They reminded him of mirrors in the sunlight. The sun was already far into the sky and would be setting around in a few hours.

"Are you going to share or?" Schlatt asked but Techno cut him off, "I don't want to talk about it." The other man was silent about the topic for a while as they continued their way. Because of the snowfall the last two days and even now it would be impossible to find any tracks unless they were fresh.

"That's fine, I'm gonna take a guess and say it was pretty bad,"

"It- it was." He finally said. His mind wanted to wonder over that day and the events after. Even now he could feel his hands shake. He put a pin in those thoughts for later when he finally got the chance to speak with his therapist.

The world felt like it had been tipped on its axis as he stared down at the man. A sick feverish grin lay on his face as he stared down at Techno. The blood dripped down his cheek, a scream lay deep in his throat. "Oh, to see you cower detective."

He looked around as they continued their search. The trees all around them swayed softly with the light breeze. There was a bit of a drop-off up ahead of them. He glanced at the other man and he nodded as if to tell him he saw the drop-off.

As they made their way down something caught both of their eyes. It was barely visible but it looked like some kind of blue fabric.

"What is that?" Schlatt said as he ran towards the thing in the snow. A part of him felt uneasy and all his years working around crime scenes and bodies took him he won't like what they were about to find. He followed close behind, almost slipping a few times on the slick snow. As the two closed in he could tell what they had found.

"Shit." The other man said as the two looked down, it was a dead body with short blonde hair. 

The Disappearance of Thomas InnesWhere stories live. Discover now