Thursday, December 18th, 20XX: 13:57

884 55 7

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo.]

Report 03; Thursday, December 18th, 20XX, 13:57:

Niki Enders confirmed that she'd hadn't seen Thomas Innes the day before. When asked about her relationship with him she explained that Thomas viewed her as an older sister figure. She said that she sees Thomas a bit like a little brother. She explained that she sees Thomas quite often as her little brother Ranboo and him are best friends. She explained that Thomas's home life was a bit tricky and she really didn't have a lot of info other than the rarely was at his foster parent's house. When asked if Thomas may have been being abused by them she didn't give an answer. I went to ask her brother to ask him a few questions relating to the investigation but he was at school, she also informed me that her brother might not be that helpful as he has bad memory problems.


Niki was helpful somewhat. When it came to Thomas's current foster parents she told me that he didn't really like them. When I asked if they might be abusing him she shugged and explained that if they were he wouldn't tell her. She said that Wilbur might know that. One thing however she did mention was that if something were to happen with his current placement he'd have to move out of town.

I'll have to ask Wilbur when he gets back. Something isn't adding up, after all the town is only so big. Thomas only had a so big social circle and all of them so far have confirmed that they don't know where he is.

Signed by: Technoblade Withers


He sighed looking over his reports so far. Not much in the way of any kind of lead with this case. He definitely needs to start the search party when he gets back. He looked up as Niki slid into the seat across from him a soft smile on her face as she slides a cup of coffee to him, he thanks her.

She lets out a hum before taking a sip of her drink. "Any leads yet?"

He lets out a sigh and rubs his face. "No. the last time anyone saw him was yesterday around 4 pm. To make things worse because of the weather it's covered any and all prints that could have been made."

"Do you think," She starts, "Do you think that there was foul play involved?" He looks at her, she looks nervous.

"Why do you say that?"

"Don't tell me you haven't noticed, but this isn't the first missing boy with Tommy's description. Hell, there have been just eight missing boys with that description in the last two years alone."

"Yeah, I've noticed. But without any bodies we can't start a proper investigation so, for now, they are all missing persons," he watched as angry flooded her face, he could understand her anger. This was still so odd, all of the missing persons all had blonde hair and blue eyes. It couldn't be a coincidence.

"Tommy probably heading to our house." She finally said looking right in the eyes, "What?"

"I- if he was unset like you said and left then he probably was heading towards our house. When he doesn't want to be at home he'll normally go to Wilbur's, Tubbo's, or our house but Wilbur was out of town and Tubbo had robotics so the only place he would have gone would have been our house."

"But he isn't,"

"No, he's not. I would say maybe he went to Pogtopia but he normally doesn't unless he's meeting with one of the boys or Wilbur,"


"It's," she began, "It's a clubhouse in the woods. It's only just far enough in there to be hidden if you don't know where it is, but it's behind Rosemary Elementary near the old football field." He let out a thoughtful hum before taking another sip of his coffee.

"I'm planning on starting the search party tonight." He finally says after a good minute or so of silence.

"Good, when it starts can you message me? I want to help. I would let Ranboo but with his memory problems I don't want him to get lost."

He nods, "Do you have Tubbo's dad's number by any chance?" she raises an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes, "Not like that, he had asked to help with the search but I forgot to ask."

"Ah, yeah I do. I asked for it because Ranboo likes to go over there and I needed a way for him and I to contact each other just in case something happened. "

She gave him his number and soon after he left her shop and headed back to the station he still had some work there to finish up before the search could begin. 

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