Monday, December 22nd, 20XX, 14:12

628 41 38

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say. It's not his fault,' ]


After talking to Phil for a little while he had left with a wave and a goodbye. By one he had made it back to the station where he gave a wave to Rosie and went back into the one meeting room he had met with the other agents. When he walked in he could see the three agents as well as Puffy and Jack. Jack had been gone all of the week before in L'manberg for some kind of Seminar. Jack was looking over at the table that had all of the files and photos on, Agent Halo was talking to him and it sounded like he was catching him up.

"Hello," He called, making all five of the people turn.

"Ay Techno, it's good to see you!" Jack called with a smile. He was Puffy's deputy, he was young and was only nineteen years old but he did a pretty good job. He nodded to the young man before taking a seat at the table. He took a sip of his coffee as he looked around.

"We were just filling in Deputy Manifold on what has been happening so he's in the loop." Agent Halo said with a grin. He liked Agent Halo, the man was kind and just seemed to pull within with his soft overwhelming demeanor.

"Ay, that's good." He said.

"Who was the last person to have seen or talked to Tommy?"

"The last people to have talked to Tommy were his foster parents," He said, pulling out the file from out of the stack and handing it to the agent. "However the last person to have seen him was his neighbor."

"Was his neighbor also in the searches?" Agent Diamond asked looking over the file, he nodded at the man. "Yes, he was, though so was most of the town."

"What does he do for a living?"

"Dream?" He asked and the man only nodded.

"He's a teacher at the school for statistics," Jack said.

"So he's around teens, got it. Welp, detective you and I are going to talk to Mr. W. Akenn."

Agent Diamond got up from his chair and Techno did the same. The two left the room and techno looked at the shorter man. "So are we taking my car or yours?"

"We can take yours. " He said straightforwardly.

The two went to the car and it took very little time for them to reach the high school. The car was silent as they drove, not truly an awkward silence but it was tense as neither of them seemed to know how to break the ice with the other. They walked into the school office and confusion and curiosity crossed over the faces of the ladies in there.

"Hello, sorry to interrupt your work ladies but what room is Dream W. Akenn in? Agent Diamond asked, with his hands in his suit pockets. He looked relaxed.

"He's in room 204a. Before you two leave, can I ask why you need him? He's in the middle of teaching a class." One of the ladies asked politely.

"We just need to ask him a few questions and then we'll be on our way," Techno said and the woman looked doubtful but let them enter. The two men quickly found the classroom on the second floor. He knocked and waited, a moment later Dream appeared.

"Oh gentlemen, can I help you? I'm in the middle of teaching a lesson." He asked, looking slightly annoyed. Before him, Techno could see students leaning forward to see who was at the door. The sound of whispering teens filled his ears.

"Of course but we just need to ask you a few questions. It will only take a few minutes."

"Fine," He said before turning to his class. "Class, I'm just gonna be out for a moment. Please go over what we had just been talking about." He said before leaving to the hallway.

"Now, what do you need?" He asked, his voice almost static in a cold and unfeeling way. He glanced over at the agent and could see that man was annoyed.

"We're just doing a bit of a follow-up," the agent said.

"Follow up?"

"Yes. Now, on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 17th you saw Thomas leaving his foster parents' house."

"Correct I did." Dream said cooly.

"Did you say anything to him as you saw him pass?"

"I waved and said hello."

"Did he reply?"

"No, he did not. He looked quite upset."

"And after you waved and said hello, you went inside your home and hadn't seen him since?"

"That is correct."

"How well do you know Thomas."

I'd say somewhat, I live next door to where he was staying after all."

"Is there anything to note about Thomas?"

"He carries around this numb beat up cow with him everywhere, he hangs out with this kid I've seen around, I think his name is Tubbo or something, and with Wilbur Craftsman. He also recently lost one of his baby teeth. "

He could feel every hair on the back of his neck rise. His blood almost ran as good as it was outside. "How do you know that?" He asked making the other two men turn.

"How do I know what?" Dream asked, seeming confused.

"How do you know he lost a baby tooth recently?" The other man seemed to almost flinch but just as it happened he was relaxed.

"Oh I overheard him tell his friend about it, they were walking right near me when I left the school. He's quite loud, you know." He said with a chuckle as if it was an inside joke to himself, "Someone needs to teach that kid some manners." He said with a smile.

"Right," Techno said, trying to not be creeped out.

"Thank you for your time Mr. W. Akenn." Agent Diamond said before Dream nodded and went back into his classroom.

The two went back and then left the school. Both were quiet before the agent broke the silence. "What's on your mind, you seem tense."

"It was just what he had said about the baby tooth. Will had told me a few days before about him losing it."

Agent Diamond hummed in acknowledgment, "Not gonna lie that was a bit creepy. You know what you should do?"

"Hmm?" He said opening up the car door and getting in the driver's seat.

"You should ask Will where he was when he was told about the baby tooth."

"That's not a bad idea,"

"No it's-" then the agent's phone began to ring. He sighed before taking it out of his pocket. Techno glanced over and could see the caller ID read 'Bad'. The man then answered it before putting the phone on speaker.

"Hey, what's up. We just left the high school after talking to Dream."

"Bad news." Agent Halo said from the other end.

"What's wrong Bad,"

"We found a second body." 

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