Sunday, December 21st, 20XX, 14:43

649 38 12

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say.' ]


After working for the whole morning and a little bit into the afternoon going over the details of the investigation Techno found himself collapsing into his office chair with a sigh. He was exhausted from the lack of sleep that plagued him. He closed his eyes even for just a moment of peace. He really should call Phil and update him on everything he knew so far. Well, not everything after all since it was an ongoing investigation. Soon without realizing it, he was fast asleep.

He looked around the broken and blood-stained basement. It was freezing and even though his hands and feet were bound with a rope he couldn't feel his toes and fingers. Most likely gone dumb from the freezing temperatures. This wasn't unusual for basements in the city to be just as cold as the outside, which is why most people didn't have them.

He couldn't remember how he had gotten himself here or even what had happened. The last thing he had remembered was walking home from school, it was cold like it always was in the city. After all, the Antarctic Empire is not one for its warmth but for its freezing and unforgiving cold. As he walked the path he had walked since he was a small child he could hear someone walking behind him. Not unusual at all as the streets normally had both adults and children alike walking to and from school and work. However, this day was for it was the last thing he heard before he was knocked unconscious. If he had been more alert he would have noticed that he had been the only one walking that afternoon alone.

There was barely any light coming through the basement. He took a breath before starting on the ropes. They weren't very good but to anyone that has never worked with ropes before they would have been a challenge. He is almost finished with untying the first rope when he hears the basement door open, he freezes what he was doing as he hears someone walk down the stairs. He stars at the man, he is wearing a porcelain mask with a-


His eyes snapped open and he sat up in his chair. The memories from his dream are fading away quickly like sand. He of course had to dream about that memory, one that he never seemed to be able to forget no matter what. Maybe it was because it was the catalyst for why he even became an FBI agent originally. After all, he was one of the very few people to have been able to escape the Chaos Killer and live. He never filed a report on the matter back then but part of him wished he had.

He rubbed his eyes before standing and heading to where the noise was coming from. Even from his office, he could hear at least three voices though he couldn't quite make out what they were saying. When he reached the front of the building he was greeted by Tubbo Underscore and a young boy who was tall for his age. Ranboo Enders if he recalls correctly. Though he was good friends with his older sister Niki he had only seen the young boy a few times, and even then it was very brief at best.

The two boys were standing in front of Rosie's desk, the woman looked taken aback and clearly frustrated with them over something. Tubbo looked angry and looked to be a few seconds from either climbing over the desk and strangling the woman or going off to find his aunt. Ranboo on the other hand looked as though he was nervously trying to hold back the smaller child and to try and calm his rage.

"What the hell do you mean I can't go and see them? This is my best friend you're talking about! I have the right to know!" Tubbo half screamed, and somehow Techno was surprised that no one else had come out to see what the yelling was about.

"I'm sorry Tubbo but I can't let you back there, it's an ongoing investigation," Rosie said with clear irritation in her voice as if she had already told him this at once before. Techno had no doubt that she most likely had.

"Bullshit!" Tubbo yelled making Ranboo gasp, "Tubbo!"

"It is!" He said turning to Ranboo with fire in his eyes. "She knows it too! I should know what's-"

"Ahem," He said, making all three of the others look at him and freeze. He watched as Rosie relaxed and the other two boys looked everywhere but in his eyes.

"So boys, may I ask why you are causing a scene in the middle of the station?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at them.

"I came to find out what's going on, I heard that the FBI has been called and that a body had been found and, and I have to know what's going on! I deserve it, I'm his best friend and I'm the one that made the report."

He sighed. He knew Tubbo wouldn't back down. After everything Puffy told him in regards to Tubbo, the kid was stubborn and wouldn't stop till he got what he wanted. "Alright you two follow me," He said motioning for them to follow.

He led the two back into his office where the two took a seat. He closed the door before taking a seat himself. "Alright. What do you know?" Tubbo said a little too enthusiastically.

"First off, this is now an ongoing investigation and because of that I can not tell you much." h Tubbo's face dropped and he frowned clearly upset with that information.

"So you can't tell us anything?!" Tubbo snapped, clearly getting angry at the idea of being left in the dark. Ranboo just shifted uncomfortably in his chair, not sure if he should try to calm down his friend or not.

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you much," He said, however, this was not the answer that the young teen wanted to hear, "If you can't tell me then I'll go ask Aunt Puffy!" Tubbo yelled standing up from his chair and began walking towards the door.

"She's just going to tell you the same thing. Plus don't you want to hear what else I have to say?" He said, making the boy stop in his tracks as if debating what he wanted to do next. Finally, he turned back around and sat down still looking both suspicious and angry, though not as angry as before.

"During the last search we found a dead body, the body did not belong to Thomas. However, because of the cause of death Puffy has had to call in the FBI for further investigation." He said calmly.

"Are there any suspects?" Tubbo asked with a little bit too much excitement, he shook his head. "As of right now no, however, if there were we wouldn't be able to tell you."

"It was Dream!" Tubbo yelled before slamming his hands onto his desk making poor Ranboo jump.

"Do you have any evidence?" He asked raising an eyebrow at the teen in front of him.

"Well no, but-"

"Tubbo, I can't make claims without evidence. You and Wilbur can't just say he was being creepy and that be your claim, I need to have evidence."

"Fine," Tubbo said standing and leaving, "Come on Boo we have work to do." The other boy quickly followed at his heels. He sighed, he or Puffy was most likely going to be getting a call from Dream about Tubbo. He glanced at his phone and saw a message from Agent Warden asking him to come to the main meeting rooms, he sighed before standing, his work is never done it seems. 

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