Friday, December 19th, 20XX, 17:45

706 42 33

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who.' ]

Search Report 02: During the search on Friday, December 19th, 20XX a body had been found on the west side of the town in the forest nearby. The body was of a white male with blonde hair and dark brown eyes. There were multiple skins on the body and the body was wearing a dark red jacket with jeans and a green shirt and a pair of dark black snow boots. The body had been discovered by myself and Schlatt Underscore. The body was half-frozen and at first, glance looked like it had been there for some time. The body was in pretty rough condition, and some of the tissue around the eyes and other areas were already starting to decompose. The body has yet to be identified however Schlatt Underscore was able to confirm that the body he and I had found was not Thomas Innes. Sheriff Puffy is already looking into and contacting the families of the other missing persons to see if this is one of them. Hannah Rose has yet to find the cause of death, when she does there will be a follow-up report.

Notes: I'm not sure what I should feel after finding the body. Though we don't know who the body belongs to just yet it is definitely one of the missing persons. I have a gut feeling that this isn't going to be pretty but till then we will be continuing the search. Wilbur was freaking out when the news was that a body was found. He had immensely called me after the news was released. I will be calling Phil later so he's at least caught up by the time he comes back tomorrow.


He leaned back in his chair. He had been filling out paperwork for at least an hour before he was even able to get to the search report. Puffy and the others have been keeping a recond and other steps just in cause they were looking at a crime scene. He carded his hand through his hair as he looked over towards his door. Maybe he should go see what Puffy is doing, he doesn't doubt that the woman hasn't taken a break in the hours following.

He got up, making sure to grab his empty mug. He walks through the hall and towards Puffy's office. He looked in and could hear her before he could see her. She glanced over and gave him a soft smile before going back to her call.

"Yes, I'll see you in a few minutes. Bye Hannah," She said before hanging up.

"What was that about,"

"Well, looks like Hannah has found the cause of death and it looks like you and I are gonna be quite busy," He tipped his head.

"How so?"

"Well, Hannah said that there were markings on the body from physical trauma."

"Could have been from going in the forest and fell. We've seen it before."

Well, that was our first guess that is till she found on the skin of the victim there was a smiley face dug in. However, there were also markings around the ankles that show clear burns. She hasn't been able to identify what those are from yet but she can confirm it's from being tied up."

That was very alarming. "You're saying that he had been murdered?"

"Sadly yes, I've already contacted that FBI from L'manberg about it. They said they'll be tomorrow to check everything out."

He nodded. "Looks like you and I are gonna be busy."

She couldn't help but chuckle. "That we are."

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