Sunday, December 21st, 20XX, 15:17

594 29 9

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say.' ]


Techno and Agent Warden had taken the agent's SUV to go to the site where the first body had been found. It didn't take the two of them long to get there and park on the edge of the forest. Hannah was already waiting for the two of them with her camera, next to her was a taller man though not as tall as the detective or agent. He wore a puffy white jacket and a green frog hat. This must be Hannah's brother. He didn't know much about the man other than the fact that he had at some point spray painted the water tower when he was in high school or something.

"What do you know about Thomas?" the Agent asked as they walked.

"From the report or..." He asked looking over at the man as the two walked onward through the forest, Hannah, and Boomer ahead of them chatting quietly among themselves.

"I mean Puffy did say you live here, I was just wondering if you had met the kid beforehand." He asked with a soft smile on his face. Despite the man's height and overall composure, he wasn't all that intimidating.

"Not really, I saw him a few times over at Phil's but I really didn't talk to the kid." He said with a shrug.

"Phil?" He asked, tipping his head to the side in confusion. Oh yeah, Agent Warden wouldn't know who Phil is.

"Ah, my old partner from back when we worked in the FBI in the Antarctic Empire. He retired and moved here with his son."

"Oh, how old is his son?"

"He's nineteen. From what Wilbur has told me he met Thomas when he was living at a different foster home on the same street as Phil. Wilbur and Thomas just clicked and had been inseparable since."

"What did his son Wilbur say Thomas was like?"

"Wilbur tells me that the kid was a spitfire, kind but also sarcastic."

"He seems like a good kid,"

"Yeah, he is."

The two stayed quiet after that for a long while. His thoughts running wild, he hadn't really put too much thought into who Thomas was like. In some kind of professional way, he had found himself disconnected from him as a way to not get attached. Yet, this case was too intertwined with his friends and family already to not be. Finally, the two made it to the site.

"This isn't good." Boomer said the man had stopped and the two stepped in front of them to see what the man was looking at with such concern. The site was blocked off with yellow tape to prevent anyone from touching the scene, but someone had. The tape had been messed with and what looked like the slight indent of a human footprint.

"It had snowed last night covering the tracks," He said looking at them, the agent slowly nodded.

"We need another search started right away, this time we can't have any of the public involved."

"Wait, why?" Hannah asked.

"The unsub was here and I highly suspect that they were checking on the bodies. I also suspect that there is another body or bodies around this area. If the public is allowed in on the search then the unsub will keep throwing us off their trail." Agent Warden replied, getting closer to the print in the snow.

"What the fuck is an unsub?" Boomer asked, tipping his head to the side.

"It means unknown suspect. It's a lot easier to say so it doesn't freak out the public." He said, and the two just nodded. "Boomer, can you take a few photos of the footprints and the scene for us?" he asked and the other man just nodded. He took a few photos before the Agent said they had all they needed.

"Alright are we finished cause I'm freezing my ass off," Hannah said and both he and the agent chuckled. "Yeah, we're done for now," and off the four of them went back to the station.


Author's Note: There won't be a chapter new week (Feb. 1st) however I will have one out the following week (Feb. 8th)

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