The Capture: Part 1

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Once he finished reading through the messages and confirming it from the two boys he called the other agents telling them he had evidence. Agent Halo told him that he was able to get in contact with another agent back in the Badlands.

"What is it?" He asked as the agents and himself got into their SUV. Puffy and Jack said they would drive over in a different car.

"It was about Dream. You know how we couldn't figure out how Tommy and he are connected?"


"Well, we found out that ExDee is Dream's father. Not only that but ExDee used to foster infants and toddlers."

"You're kidding,"

"Oh no, it gets better. ExDee had fostered Tommy for a short time when he was a toddler."

"So you think that's when Dream met Tommy?"

"Yes, that's our running theory."

It didn't take them long to reach Dream's house. He looked as it had the day before. The car was in the driveway letting them know he was here. They all piled out of the SUV and started their way towards the day. Agent Warden in front, knocking on the front door. There was no sound from inside so he knocked once more.

Still nothing.

He knocked a third time before calling out the man's name, "Open up this is the FBI." He yelled, and still, there was no answer. He tried the door and found it locked. Agent Warden then motioned for them to head around back to see if they could see anything. He went around the back of the house with agent Diamond following close behind.

He moved around the back and to the sliding glass door that led into the living room. Agent Diamond behind him keeps watching. A moment later he heard agent Warden kicking in the door yelling. He watched through the door as the two other agents came in. Then they walked in, it was a nice change from the cold into the warm house.

He stayed by the door as agent Diamond walked past him and through the house.

"Everything is clear." Agent Halo called out.

"He's not here." Agent Warden said walking into the living room with the other agents.

"His car is here, where the hell is he," agent Diamond cursed looking around.

Something in Techno screamed at him at that moment. Call it a hunch, or whatever but he turned and looked back out towards the backyard and that's when he saw it.

"Footprints." He said, making the other three look at him with both confusion and bewilderment.

"Footprints?" One of them asked.

"In the snow leading into the woods." He said as he started walking towards them, leaving the safety and warmth of the house and back out into the cold outdoors. The others follow right behind.

"I'm gonna stay back and wait for Puffy and Jack, you three go ahead!" Agent Warden yelled.

He walked on through the snow and past the fence and gate leading them deep into the forest. Neither of them was sure how far they needed to walk. The trees made the area dark. There was no noise but the sound of their footsteps echoing across the wasteland of barren trees. Techno wasn't sure what they were about to find, his mind raced with possibilities as they walked onward.

Soon they found themselves reaching what best could be described as a clearing. On the edge of the clearing looked to be some kind of bomb shelter or cellar. The footprints lead right to it, then there is a pair going back into the forest though because of the wind those ones seem to be quickly fading. The three stop and look at each other before agent Diamond goes to the cellar door and pulls it open. All of them bracing themselves for worse.

When the door opened they were met with an old wooden staircase that seemed to go down. He pulled out a flashlight and the three began their descent down the stairs into the unknown. The walls were made of dark brick that was coated in layers and layers of paint that had seemed to have been just thrown on with no thought behind it. Most likely hiding mold and mildew.

About halfway down the stairs they were hit with a horrid smell, he wasn't even able to describe it. Behind him, one of the agents gagged at the smell. At the bottom of the stairs was a light that was barely lit, then a dark wooden door. There wasn't much room on the landing for all three so they had to stay on the stairs. He looked back at the other two who nodded in agreement.

He opened the door.

If he thought the smell was bad before it was much worse now. He and the other gagged at the smell of death and decay as he pushed the door all the way open. The room was empty with a dim overhead light lighting up the room. Pushed in the corner was a large workbench with a toolbox. On the right wall was a door that led to another room that was closed.

There was something on the left wall but he ignored it for the time being. The other two went towards the other door while he walked towards the workbench. There was something liquid on the concrete floor, he tried not to think about what that could be.

The bench was stained red and techno highly doubted that it was painted. There was a variety of tools laid out on the bench including a saw that was rusted and discolored with blood. Behind him, he would hear the other opening the door and then a gasp.


"Hm?" He said, turning to look at the other man who was staring wide-eyed at the wall in front of him, the one he ignored at first.

"Look." was all he said, he turned and finally took a good look at the wall.

The wall was covered in hundreds of photos of Tommy.

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