Tuesday, December 23rd, 20XX, 15:32

559 32 19

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say. It's not his fault,' ]


When Techno had arrived back in the early morning hours almost everyone was already there. Agent Warden and the others were waiting on him to begin the meeting. He waved to the other officers in the room. Some waved back, and others just glared. He wouldn't say he was a fan favorite around here and those same people hated when Jack had left leaving him as the temporary deputy. Puffy gave him a wave before turning to face the other agents. He took a seat next to Jack who was chatting to someone on the other side of him.

"Thank you all for being here today, I know this case has been stressful on all of us." Agent Halo began, and quickly the man began to go into details about the case, Techno couldn't help but zone it out. The lack of sleep was finally starting to catch up with him as tried listening in on the conversion at hand but his mind kept drifting. He wasn't like he had meant for it to, it just did. Though nothing he was thinking of was anything exciting, just random pointless thoughts of nothing and anything.

"In the early hours this morning, we have made the decision to publicly name Dream W.Akan as a prime suspect in the Thomas Innes case." Techno looked around after Agent Bad had finished what he had said, the air suddenly became thick with uncomfortable silence before all hell broke loose.

Half of the officers began to shout and cry out in anger at the agents. "Dream is a good man! Why the hell would you even accuse him?" One officer screamed, Jack, trying to hold them back as the officers tried moving forward to get in the agents' faces.

"Of all people you had to accuse? It was him!" Another officer yelled out.

A loud whistle ran out through the room making everyone stop and look in the direction of the sound. There was Puffy standing on a chair looking over the room. She did not look happy one bit.

"Enough! We are all adults and I hoped all of you would be a little more respectful but I guess I was wrong. None of you have been working on this case, Dream isn't being arrested he's just a suspect, he was the last one to have seen him the day Tommy went missing. There is also a lot of incriminating evidence linking him to the other two teens that were found."

"I understand that many of you respect and like Dream W. Akan but a lot of people that commit terrible crimes were known for being very well-liked and loved in their community." Agent Warden said calmly, making a few officers scuff at him with disgust.

"You're all dismissed," Puffy said and they waited for the officers to leave, leaving just himself, the agents, Jack, and Puffy alone in the room.

"Fuck I'm gonna be a drink after this," Puffy said, sitting back down in the chair.

"You and I both." Agent Diamond said, taking a seat next to her.

"What are the odds that word is gonna get out in the next hour?" Agent Halo asked.

Jack just sighed, "Too damn high."

They all sat in silence for a long moment before Puffy spoke once more. "Alright enjoy the silence while you have it, I'm betting we are gonna have a lot of angry folks here soon." They all just nodded.

After a few more minutes Techno returned to his office to work on some more paperwork. He was almost caught up when he heard shouting from the front. He poked his head out of his office and looked out towards the front. He could see Rosie trying to calm down a large group of people right out front.

He watched as Puffy exited her office and he chose this as the time to go investigate as well. "What the hell is going on?" Puffy asked, walking up to the mob.

"We heard you were accusing Dream of murdering those two boys." A woman hissed, he recognized the woman, she worked at the school with Dream.

"Why would you be trying to arrest an innocent man?" Another person called.

"We're not-" Puffy began but the mob only got louder and more frantic.

"This is just a manhunt!"

"He has done nothing but help with the town!"

"How could you even think so poorly of him?"

"Enough!" Puffy finally yelled out. "Everyone get out! You are getting in the way of a federal investigation!"

Some of the people moved but others did not and for the next hour Techno, Jack, Rosie, and Puffy all worked on getting the mob out of the station. They didn't leave and instead opted to yell from outside at them. The four of them let out a long sigh as they sat in one of the meeting rooms trying to catch their breaths.

"Fuck, when you said people wouldn't be happy Puff you weren't kidding," Jack said, leaning back in one of the chairs.

"Yeah well, I didn't think that many people would show up. I thought only a handful, not thirty." She said,

"Alright everyone I think it's time for me to head home," Rosie said standing up.

"Go out the side door that way you can avoid the mob," He said and Rosie gave him a thumbs up before leaving. The other two waved as she left.

He reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone, a missed call from Phil. It wasn't uncommon that Phil would have called. He recalled the man and headed back to his office. Phil picked up on the third ring.

"Sorry for not picking up," He said, taking a seat.

"I heard that Dream W.Akan was announced as the prime suspect," Phil said.

"We have."

"What was the reason for this decision?"

"We can't publicly say yet but there is evidence that made him a suspect." He said.

"Ah," He said, though there is something there in his tone.

"Alright, I'm gonna let you go. I need to finish up some paperwork." He said.

"Ok mate, I'll call you later. Bye."

"Bye," He said and the call ended.

He leaned back in his chair and let out a hum. He looked at his computer and began working on the rest of the paperwork. A moment later there was a knock at his door. Jack stood there with two cups of coffee.

"Niki heard about what happened and dropped off some baked goods and coffee, also the agents want a meeting."

"Lead the way." He said getting up from his chair.


Author's Note: So, if any of you haven't noticed we finally have a final chapter count! I have the whole outline completed and I've started writing the chapter that kickstarted this whole fic and one of the most important scenes. Phil is not happy that Dream is the prime suspect and that's only because like a lot of the other townspeople he hasn't done anything bad or sus. Phil isn't bad or anything he just doesn't understand why. This is probably one of the shorter chapters as I know one of the chapters is gonna be at least 4k.

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