Search Party 01

839 51 35

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire.]

Techno had gathered in the lobby of the station with a group of at least thirty people all standing around listening to Puffy as she explained what needed to happen. He could see Niki, Tubbo, and Tubbo's father who he had found out was named Schlatt all standing right in the front of the crowd. Tubbo was holding his father's hand looking both angry and nervous. After Puffy's speech, the crowd quickly left for the search. He had decided to head off with Puffy and her son Foolish. By the time all of them had gotten outside it was dark, which wasn't all that much of a surprise. This time of the year the sun was downright before five in the afternoon. Though he wished it wasn't, it would make the search go a lot better if it was daylighted out.

The three of them decided on looking around close to the high school to start. Just in case they somehow found him or any evidence. The three of them called out Thomas's name in the hopes he would answer. "Puffy! Foolish!" Called out a familiar voice.

The three turned and saw a bright coat running towards them. "Dream," Puffy called, the man only smiled at them, something about his smile brought him feeling a ping of unease. It wasn't logical of course but it didn't make it any less unsetting.

"Sorry I wasn't able to come to the meeting I was busy with some things around the house and lost track of time. I heard there was a search party going on for Tommy and I thought I could help."

"Of course Dream," Puffy said with a soft smile.

"How about we split up into pairs. I'll go with Dream and you two can go together, that way we can cover more ground."

"Sound good," Foolish said before the four of them split off. The two decided that it was best to just keep going where they had originally planned on covering. They were going to look around the field between the high school and the park.

"Tommy!" He yelled, hearing only his voice echoing through the trees.

"What do you think happened?" Foolish asked after a moment of them walking in silence.

"What do you mean?" He asked before calling out Thomas's name once more.

"What do you think happened to Tommy?"

"We don't have any evidence to prove anything right now, so for now it's just a missing person."

"No, not what you think professional. What do think happened, like personally."

He paused, stopping and staring off towards the dark snow-covered. They loomed over them as if a warning that beyond them was a cold and uncaring death awaiting. "I don't know, but something in my gut is telling me it's nothing good."

He turned towards Foolish and saw the man nod at him. "It's just scary."

"What is?" he asked as the two men began to shine their flashlights towards the forest and snow-covered ground.

"Just the thought of losing your kid. I mean, just thinking about anything happening to my boys makes me so sick to my stomach. Did you see his foster parents?"

"No, I hadn't." He said before calling out Thomas's name once more. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched Foolish frown.

"Do they even care that he's missing and could be in danger?"

He shrugged, "From what I know he's known for running away, so maybe they aren't looking because they just think he ran away."

"Even if had run away, it's freezing outside and the police are involved. Wouldn't that I don't know to bring up more red flags? Shouldn't they at least pretend to care?"

"Look, that's not my place to say. They seemed pretty confident that he had run away. However, based on everyone's reactions, I don't think so, because even if he had run, he would have gone to his friend's houses."

"Hmm. Still a little weird."

The two walked on in silence, calling out Thomas's name every once in a while. Their voices echoed off of the trees. Their voices are the only sound except for the distance sound of the other's voices. The forest was silent as if it knew something they didn't. The forest most likely did Techno thought as they made their way towards where the two had said they'd meet up with Schlatt and Tubbo.

They were on the soccer field near the high school. A lot of kids liked to walk across it to get to wherever they needed nearing the daytime. He and Foolish could see the young boy and his father walking towards them, as he walks however he stepped on something making a crack noise.

The two men stopped dead in their tracks and shined their flashlights on the frozen ground below. Something reflected back at them through the snow. He reached down and pulled out what looked to be a very cracked and broken phone, but something else caught his attention. He reached for it and pulled it out of the snow.

It was a stuffed cow. Looking at the thing he could tell it had been well-loved over the years. One eye was a different colored button than the other and the left arm looked to have been poorly snitched back together from having been ripped.

"Hey what are-" Tubbo began before his eyes went huge.

"What's-" Foolish began, glancing between the boy and Techno. "That's Tommy's." was all the young boy said.

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