Thursday, December 18th, 20XX: 11:56

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Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo.]

Report 02; Thursday, December 18th, 20XX, 11:56:

Tubbo Underscore had stayed home from school today. When I asked why he said he needed to look for Tommy. When asked where he was the day before when Thomas had last been seen Tubbo had said he had robotics after school and was there will late into the afternoon, he explained that he had his phone turned off during that time and when he powered it back on he only saw one message from Thomas telling him to call him. He did but was sent straight to voice mail. Tubbo also explained that Thomas forgets to charge his phone and had complained at school that day about forgetting again so he just didn't think much of it. Tubbo Underscore explained that when Thomas didn't show up to school the following day something told him something was very wrong.

When asked about any others that Thomas Innes might have contacted or gone to, Tubbo was very helpful and listed out a couple of names. The names were:

Niki Enders

Ranboo Enders

Wilbur S. Craftman (Note: He has been out of town since before Thomas Innes went missing)

Purpled Goldmen

Eret Brine

Jack Manifold


After he gave me the list of names I thanked him for his time, he asked if we were going to start a search party and I said that I was going to get it started once I finished up. He asked me to inform him when I do so he can help out. Tubbo also mentioned that Ranboo Enders might not be super helpful because of his memory problems. I know Ranboo and Niki. I was surprised at first when those two were the first two names he said might have some kind of information. Then again Ranboo is about Thomas's age, they also go to the same school so knowing each other might not have been that far-fetched.

Niki's shop is on the way back to the office so I'm just gonna swing in there and talk to her and see if she might have seen or heard anything. Right after I arrived at the Underscore household I messaged Rosie asking her to get in contact with Thomas's caseworker and to ask for his file. I'm heading there now.

Sighed by: Technoblade Withers


Techno had stepped out of the house, the cold biting into his skin. He thought after living all those years in the Antarctic Empire that he'd be more used to it but nope. He watched as a car pulled into the driveway and a moment later a man stepped out. This must be Tubbo's father, the man just gave him a confused look. "Can I help you?" he asked his voice being a bit harsh in tone.

"Detective Withers, I was over asking a few follow-up questions from your son."

"Tubs isn't in trouble again is he?" He asked, he seemed a bit annoyed.

"No. Earlier this morning he came into the station to make a missing persons report and I'm just trying to get some leads." Now the man was alert.

"Who did he report?"

"Thomas Innes."

The man looked uncomfortable, "Well shit. When did he go missing, Tubs didn't mention anything about him being missing last night,"

"Last time he was seen was around 4 pm last night. No one has seen or heard from him since."

The man only frowned. "Well shit."

"Do you know where the kid could have gone?"

"I mean the only two people would be Tubbo or Ranboo, but Tubbo was at robotics last night like almost 7. Nothing from Ranboo?"

"Tubbo said he's not at his place either."


"The only other person I could think would be Wilbur Craftman but he's been out of town since early Tuesday."

"Look I know Ranboo's got an older sister, Niki I think her name was, yeah, she uses a bakery and shit. Maybe she heard something."

"I was heading there right now, but I do have a question."

"Shoot what is it."

"What was Thomas like?"

"He was, a trouble maker. I think the kid thinks I hated him or something, I don't, but Tommy was kind of a bad influence on Tubs. Like I know he wasn't always the one to come up with the ideas but he always fueled them. The kid never liked staying home, I asked Tubs about it before and he said Tommy was a foster kid and that his home life sucked. I'm kind of unnerved that he's missing."


"Hey, do me a favor. If you start a search party for the kid can you let me know? I'd like to be out there helping. I know he's a trouble maker but he's Tubbo's friend, and Tubbo wasn't exactly the most popular kid and when he came home 5th grade year telling me he made a friend, well, who am I to complain."

"I will."

"Thanks, now I better be getting inside I'm freezing my ass off out here." The man said and Techno couldn't help but chuckle. He waved goodbye to the man and headed towards Niki's. 

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