Text Log Between Ranboob and Big Man

596 38 36

Missing Person Report

Name: Thomas Innes

Age: 13

Sex: Male

Height: 5'2 (157cm)

Weight: 110lbs

DOB: July 4th, 20XX

Date Reported Missing: Thursday, December 18th, 20XX

Time Reported: 09:23

Reported Missing by Tubbo Underscore, age 13, classmate and close friend

[A photo is attached to the file: The photo shows a young boy with curly blonde almost golden-colored hair and bright blue eyes. He is wearing a blue winter coat and is grinning in the photo. The edges of the photo are blackened as if it had been lit on fire. There are letters at the top of the picture that read 'You know who, and he knows too but he can't say. It's not his fault, he really didn't mean to. It hurts, but I forgive him.' ]


Group Chat 'Big Men who get bitches'

Wednesday, December 17th, 20XX

Big Man is Online

[16:27] Big Man: FUCK. Fucking hell!

Big Man: Fuck, fuck, fuck

Big Man: Why did this have to happen today of all days and why now?

Ranboob is Online

Ranboob: Is everything ok?

[16:28] Big Man: No everything is not alright!

Big Man: I have been having the shittest day of all time

Big Man: Even worse then when I got suspended and got my ass handed to me in 4th grade bad

Ranboob: Oh well that doesn't should good

[16:29] Ranboob: you wanna talk about it

Big Man: So it started out ok right

Big Man: I messaged Will and said good morning, didn't have much for breakfast cause foster parents suck. Went to school, then forgot that I had a test in 3rd period so I ended up failing it

Big Man: which isn't a big deal you know, I can just ask Tubs to help out and make it up tomorrow

[16:30] Big Man: No, then fifth period comes around and you know Mrs. bitch face Johnson was all pissy today and then decided she needed to take it out on me saying that I was talking too much in class and being a distraction to the other students!

Big Man: I was not! So now I have to go to detention and she called my foster parents

Big Man: When I got home my foster parents were waiting and we got into a really bad fight and they said they were going to be calling my case worker to get me removed

[16:31] Ranboob: Oh no

Ranboob: what are you going to do?

Big Man: I don't know, Tubbo is at robotics right now so I can't go over to his house.

Big Man: I'm just heading over to Pogtopia right now... I just don't want to be there right now

Ranboob: You can come over to my house

Ranboob: I'm home

Big Man: thanks big man

Big Man: Ok I just passed the library I should be there soon

Big Man: How was your day?

[16:32] Ranboob: It was ok I think, my memories have been acting up since lunch. I told Niki and she said that she would try to take me to the doctors again

Big Man: I thought you said that you guys were really tight on money

Ranboob: We are and I keep telling her that it's fine and she doesn't need to worry about me

Big Man: :(

Ranboob: I know

[16:33] Big Man: I just made it to the soccer field

Ranboob: Nice

Ranboob: should I message Tubbo and ask him to meet him at my house

Big Man: Not right now I'll message him later

Ranboob: Ok

Big Man: what the

Ranboob: ?

Big Man: A car just parked near the soccer field?

Big Man: Is that Dream?

Big Man: what the fuck is he doing?

Ranboob: Who?

[16:34] Big Man: Dream

Big Man: He just got out of the car

Ranboob: uhhh

Big Man: I just told him to go away

Big Man: He's walking this way

Big Man: I'm gonna yell at him

Ranboob: Ok

[16:42] Ranboob: Tommy?

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