Mysterious Stranger

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Laney raced to the school even though it was the end of the school day. She looked at her phone one last time at the text Dan sent her. Could it be true? She made it to the school and saw the rest of her friends.

Laney: I got your text Dan. Is there something wrong? Is there a problem only we can solve?

Dan: No. Not exactly.

(Dan got up and revealed his lucky banjo had a broken string.)

Laney: Wait! I don't understand.

Jack: Well Laney, I was trying to tell Dan here that a broken banjo string doesn't qualify as an emergency.

Dan: Yes it does!

Miko: Dan! I was in the middle of guitar practice!

Raf: And I was in the middle of reviewing my schoolwork. Now, I have to start all over again!

Laney: Why would you send us all an emergency text for a banjo string?

Kelly: Well, Dan was going to show Smokescreen one of his banjo gigs.

Smokescreen: Hey guys.

Kelly: But, Dan needs all 5 strings to do it. Do any of you have any extra?

(Miko checked but had no banjo strings.)

Miko: No.

(Raf checked but he had none.)

Raf: I don't have any.

(Jack checked but was empty handed)

Jack: I got nothing.

(Laney always comes prepared because she packed an extra banjo string.)

Laney: Luckily, I have one. I always come prepared.

(Laney gave Dan the extra banjo string.)

Laney: Here Dan. But, everyone finished practicing for today. All of the music rooms are locked.

(Dan hooks up the banjo string to his banjo.)

Dan: No problem Laney. Come on. Let's go!

(Dan left with Smokescreen and the others while Laney was sitting on the school stairs.)

Laney: Go on. I'll catch up in a bit.

(Then, a bus stops by and a mysterious figure wearing a gray hoodie, black pants, and black shoes steps out and turns on his device.)

???: Okay. Here goes.

(The stranger walks and follows the readings on his device.)

???: Hmm. Okay.

(The device reads green and the stranger walks to the statue.)

???: Let's see.

(Then, his device beeped red.)

???: Oh.

(The stranger then touched the statue and Laney notices.)

Laney: Hey!

(The stranger notices Laney calling out to him.)

???: Uh oh. I've been spot!

Laney: What are you doing?

(The stranger runs away and Laney follows him.)

Laney: Wait! Stop!

(Laney stopped as she saw a car drive by.)

Laney: Oh my!

(The stranger raced to the other sidewalk and raced to the bus he came out.)

Laney: A bus?

(The bus left and Laney was concerned.)

Laney: Who was that?

(Laney joined her friends but was still concerned about the stranger.)

(Back on the bus, the stranger removed his hood to reveal a human with golden yellow hair, brown eyes, and wearing black glasses named Barry Dickings.)

Barry: Phew. That was close.

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