Kelly's Warm Hug Of Kindness

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(Outside, the Shadowbolts were getting fresh air before heading to the second event. Barry hid behind only to see Kelly in the bushes. She opened her bag, revealing her baby kitten. Barry popped up.)

Kelly: Do you want to give her a treat?

(Barry walked to her.)

Barry: Of course.

Kelly: Congratulations on making it to the finale by the way. But, it didn't seem anyone on your team was really excited about it.

Barry: No one at my school gets excited about anything they didn't accomplish themselves. 

Kelly: Aw, that sounds horrible.

(Barry looked down and Kelly hugged him.)

Barry: What are you doing?

Kelly: Hugging you.

Barry: Why?

Kelly: Warm hugs always make me feel better.

Barry: Well, that's.......wait, it's actually working.

(Barry wrapped his arms around Kelly. Then, he realized something.)

Barry: But, I'm on the other team and you just won.

Kelly: I know.

Barry: Why are you being so nice to me?

Kelly: You look like you needed it. 

(Then, Kelly glowed her energon and Barry was in awe.)

Barry: Whoa!

(Then, Barry's device went crazy and pulled the energon inside Kelly away from her. Then, lightning bolts formed causing multiple portals to open.)

Barry: Oh no!

(Barry closed the device, causing all the portals to close and Kelly to fall down. Barry looked at horror and ran away.)

Kelly: Okay. Bye.

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