The Competitors Moving On

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(Barry was disappointed and hung his head in defeat. Jack, Miko, Raf, Kelly, and Dan knew what this meant while Fowler declared the winner.)

Fowler: Since Barry's answer is incorrect, the winner of the School Year Games first event is.......Laney Nicks and Team Shadowbolts!

(Laney smiled as everyone on the Shadowbolts cheered in excitement!)

Jasper Memorial High Students: Hooray! Yeah! Alright! We won! Alright! Woo hoo!

(The Wonderbolts glared at Barry and were upset that they lost again.)

Barry: Aw.

(Miko ran to Laney while Jack, Raf, Kelly, and Dan walked to her.)

Miko: Congratulations Laney!

Raf: That was amazing.

Laney: And we won.

Jack: This is the first time we've actually won an academic decathlon.

Kelly: In the School Year Games, you always lose the first event?

Jack: Yeah!

Dan: But now, our first event losing streak is broken! 

Miko: Yes! Laney, it's all thanks to you!

Laney: Thank you guys. Really.

(Ruby, Amber, Inky, Fern, and Sky walked to the Wonderbolt side of the stage as Dean Jen made her announcement.)

Jen: After a careful tally of the points from Fowler, I'd like to present the competitors moving on to the School Year Games 2nd event.

(There was minimal clapping on the Wonderbolts side while there were lots of clapping and cheering on the Shadowbolts side as Miko, Jack, Raf, Kelly, Dan, and Laney smiled, waved, and cheered as well.)

(Barry sighed in jealousy and walked as his teammates left. His device began scanning another energon signal and followed it.)

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