Laney Tells Optimus Her Problem

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(Optimus starts to notice Laney's concern and comes to her)

Optimus: Laney. Is there something troubling you?

Laney: Yes. There is. I could really use some advice right now. To be honest, I've been given the task of keeping human energon under control at Jasper Memorial High. Though I still haven't got my brain wrapped around it. Now, after seeing Kelly glow the way she did, it made me think the energon inside me and my friends must be changing. 

Optimus: I see.

Laney: Everyone is looking to me to find answers to their problems. But, my problem is I don't want to let them down. I'm not sure I have enough experience with energon to solve this.

Optimus: This must be a very hard task for you.

Laney: It is. Just because everybody expects something from you, doesn't mean it's guaranteed to happen. But, that doesn't stop them from expecting it.

Optimus: It will get more hard.

Laney: I know because the last thing that's expected to happen to me is letting everyone down.

(Laney sighed nervously)

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