Principal Jenny's Office

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(Barry opened the door to Principal Jenny's office and walked inside. The door closed to reveal his older sister, Veronica.)

Barry: Veronica? Why is my sister here?

Jen: As an alumni, Principal Jenny thought she could provide great perspective.

Barry: Perspective on what?

(Principal Jenny rolled her chair to her desk as she answered.)

Jenny: Why the School Year Games, of course. Veronica, you competed in the games if I'm right?

Veronica: That's right. I did.

Jenny: And do you happen to recall who lost?

Veronica: Diamond High did. We rarely win.

Jenny: We rarely win.

Barry: Why did you ask to see me?

(Principal Jenny walked as she answered Barry's question.)

Jenny: Barry, I'll be honest. It doesn't matter that whether or not Diamond High wins or loses. But, we must be expected to win because Diamond High has an expectation.

(Jenny cleaned a silver trophy and walked to Barry.)

Jenny: And it is that expectation. My expectation that is responsible for everything we have here. For everything you've done here. And you've done quite a lot, haven't you?

Barry: I don't know. I guess.

(Principal Jenny sat down on her chair.)

Jenny: Don't be so modest. You're the best student I've ever seen.

Barry: That's because I'm the top student.

Jenny: I know that. But, what I don't understand is why my top student doesn't want to compete.

Barry: In the School Year Games?

Veronica: Look Barry, I know competing isn't your thing. But, representing the school is a big deal. Plus, the others on your team could use your help.

Barry: But, I can't possibly participate in the games. My work here is very.....

Jenny: Ah yes. Your work. Jen, can you and Veronica find my contact sheet for Evergreen?

Jen: Of course.

(Dean Jen and Veronica leave the office.)

Jenny: I understand you've applied. You see, one of the advantages of having an expectation is a certain amount of influence. So, let me offer you a deal. If you compete in the games, I will guarantee your application is approved. If you don't, I will have it denied. What do you think I should do?

(Barry didn't want to compete in the games but he doesn't want his application to be denied. So, he decided to compete in the games.)

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