The Field For The Second Event

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(The Shadowbolts were heading outside for the second event while Kelly told her friends what happened.)

Kelly: All I did was give Barry a warm hug. Then, my energon glowed.

Laney: I just don't understand. Miko's energon glowed when she consoled me, Dan's when he fixed the welcome party, and now it was Kelly's turn.

Kelly: And then, Barry's amulet thing just pulled the energon away from me. I couldn't even stand up.

Dan: Like me at the party!

Miko: Or me right before we saw Barry.

Laney: So, he's stealing the energon inside of us?!

Raf: I'm not sure. He doesn't look like the energon stealing type.

Jack: Yeah, but his device took the energon from half of our friends. The same thing could happen to us if we're not careful.

Laney: Good point Jack. We need to be extra careful.

Dan: Yeah! Jack, Laney, and Raf are the only ones left!

(Then, they opened the outside door.)

Jack: For now, let's just focus on beating the Wonderbolts. As long as this event puts us on a playing field, we don't have anything to worry about.

Raf: Oh, it's puts us on a playing field alright.

(Everyone looked at the field and gasped in shock as they saw an archery field in the middle, a skating track around the field, and a motocross speedway around the track.)

Laney: Am I the only one who thinks this is overkill?

(Raf looked at the motocross speedway.)

Raf: I'm not sure if we got motocross outfits.

Laney: Well, my dad and I were purging through boxes and he found these motocross outfits! 

(Laney revealed two motocross outfits. One red and one light blue. Both with dark blue leggings and the Shadowbolts logo on the belt.)

Laney: My mom did some tweeks to them for the games. Dad's been waiting for these outfits to be put into great use!

(Meanwhile, Principal Jenny was dividing the qualified Wonderbolts into pairs.)

Jenny: You will race in pairs. Fern Green and Sky Blue will handle the motocross.

Fern: Yes!

Jenny: Amber Orange and Inky Indigo have requested the skate track.

(Amber and Inky did a high five.)

Jenny: Since archery is a complete requirement at our school, any of you should be able to do it. 

(As Principal Jenny was addressing Barry and Ruby, she glared at him)

Jenny: Barry and Ruby Red will start us off.

Ruby: Really? That's an honor! (whispers) If you want to lose before we even start.

Jenny: Given that Barry lost the last event, I have standard confidence he will pull his weight this time. Won't you?

(Barry nodded, anxiously.)

Barry: I will.

(Meanwhile, Agent Fowler divided the qualified Shadowbolts into pairs.)

Fowler: Since this is a tri-cross relay, all of you will be racing in pairs. 

(The six Shadowbolts nodded in understanding.)

Fowler: Rafael and Kelly will start us off in archery.

Kelly: Yes! Now, it's my turn to be paired with Raf!

Raf: Looks like we're going to have a fun time.

(Raf and Kelly smiled at each other.)

Fowler: Miko and Dan will give us the stretch in skating.

Miko: Aw yeah! I love skating!

Dan: Not bad.

(Then, all four knew what that meant for Jack and Laney.)

Fowler: As for both of you, motocross is the last portion of the relay. 

(Laney looked uncertain about this as Jack noticed her look of uncertainty.)

Fowler: Jack and Laney will finish the race.

Jack: Well Laney, we're paired up. Again.

Laney: It's been like this since the first event!

(Fowler then looked at Jack.)

Fowler: Jack, can I trust you with something?

Jack: Of course.

Fowler: Since Laney is uncertain about motocross, I'm sure you'll be able to help her. Can you do that?

Jack: You can count on me.

(Laney smiled know Jack is going to help her.)

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