Chapter 18

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"(Y/N)... Awaken..."

You slowly opened your eyes, only to find yourself in a strange room. It was cold, very cold, and was full of old hospital beds that look like they haven't been used in years. It didn't take you long to realise that you were in one of the hospital beds.

Looking around again, you saw a tall figure walking down one of the hallways. Since you didn't have anything better to do, you decided to follow the figure. After around 5 or 10 minutes of following the figure, you ended up in what appeared to be an office of some sort. It had 2 large desk and a rather comfy-looking chair with wheels between them both. One of the desks was covered in notebooks and blueprints and diagrams and pens, the other desk had an old-looking computer on it aswell as a few notebooks and a rubix cube. There were shelves full of folders and books and VHS tapes of all kinds.

The figure sat down in the chair, and it was at that moment that it hit you: you knew who this was. It was Dr W.D.Gaster, the man you had met in your dreams once before. This had to mean that you were dreaming again, right?

"(Y/N), I see you are looking well." He spoke. His voice was calm, smooth and formal, yet something about it sent shivers down your spine and made you feel on edge.

You nodded, still feeling very cold for some reason. Wait... You fell asleep in your underwear, so was it possible that your outfit had not changed? You looked down, and the embarrassment you felt at that moment was unimaginable. You attempted to cover yourself with your hands, but when you looked back up at Gaster you saw that he had taken off his black lab coat and was offering it to you. You took the coat from him and put it on, doing up the 2 buttons on the front.

"Better?" He asked, earning a nod from you in return. You felt a little less on edge around him now.

"Where exactly am I?" You questioned, wanting to know the whereabouts of this strange place that you had woken up in.

"This is my lab. It is located directly under Dr Alphys's lab. Of course you are not actually here, as you have probably figured out by now." Gaster responded.

So you were right, this was a dream. Why did he want to show you this place though? It's not like he wantes you to come here, right? Hmm..

"You are probably wondering why exactly I am showing you this place." He said.

"How did you-"

"Come with me, (Y/N). There is something that I must show you."

And with that, he began walking down another hallway. You followed him, ending up near a locked door. He pulled out a key from his trouser pocket and used it to unlock the door. In it was a strange machine, taped off with black and yellow caution tape. The machine didn't look safe at all.

"This is the machine that caused me to become stuck in the void. I created this machine as part of an experiment on whether or not photons could be merged together if they collided with enough force. However, the experiment went wrong. The machine became unstable, as if it was going to explode, and somehow it created a black abyss inside the machine. I leaned over it to try and reach the off switch as quick as possible, but I lost my balance and fell in. The last thing I saw before being trapped in the void was Sans reaching for me, desperately trying to save me..."

"Wait Sans was there?" You asked. You were very interested in this.

"Yes. He was around 10 at the time, but he was incredibly good at science, so I allowed him to help out with certain experiments. Papyrus would always wait in another room during these experiments, he was more interested in puzzle books than experiments."

"Wait but why were they in your lab so often when they were little? And why does only Sans seem to remember you ever existed?"

"They were in the lab a lot because they are my sons. As for why Sans is the only one who remembers me, he was so close to the machine after I fell that he was caught in the blast. I was shattered across time and space so nobody remembered my existance, it was as if I was erased from the timeline. However, due to the blast from the machine, Sans still remembers. He remembers me, and he remembers every timeline that has ever happened. It seems as though the blast allowed him to tap into the space-time continuum."

You had learned so much from this dream, but you still didn't know why he had brought you to his lab.

"Ah, it is about time you wake up."

"Wait, but Gaster, I-"

Before you could say anything else, you woke up. You checked the time, realising you had slept through the whole night and it was now 5am. You were never normally up this early, maybe you could go back to sleep, just for a few more hours. However, the thought of going back to sleep was short lived, as you felt something shift underneath you. It then occurred to you that you were sleeping on top of Papyrus!

You looked at him, as he slowly opened his eyes. God he was so cute.

"Human..?" He said tiredly. You weren't used to him keeping his voice down, you also weren't used to seeing him tired.

"Where did you get that coat..?" He enquired, holding the bottom of Gaster's coat in his hand. Wait, you were still wearing Gaster's coat? How was that even possible???

You shrugged and cuddled him, hoping to god he would let you go back to sleep, but instead he sat up. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed you on the forehead, before resting his chin on top of your head.


Hey guys!
Sorry for the long wait, but to try and make up for that I made this chapter a lot longer than I usually would lol. It ended up over 1,000 words!

I hope you liked this chapter, I spent over an hour on it, and honestly I really enjoyed writing it!

I'm going to try to start getting back into doing weekly updates on both this story and my Mettaton X Reader, but I'm back in college next week so I'm not sure if I'll be able to. I'm gonna be getting Wednesdays and Fridays off though so hopefully we should be fine.

I find it easier to write super late at night, like 11pm at the earliest, so that doesn't really help. The words just seem to flow through me when it's late, but then again it could just be me getting my motivation back. Who knows? XD

Anyways, I honestly didn't know how to end this chapter, so for the next chapter I'm thinking of starting it in Papyrus's perspective. I feel like that'd be fun because I've never written in the perspective of another character before so it'll be a challenge, hopefully the fact that I roleplay a lot will help me with that.

But anyways, I hope you're having a great day, I shall see you in the next chapter, and remember, stay awesome!

Btw, for anyone wondering the total word count, it's 1270 including the author's note.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2021 ⏰

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