Chapter 13

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You and Sans stared at each other for a moment, before you finally broke the silence.

"About who?" You asked, confused as to who he was talking about.

"About Frisk." He replied, taking on a serious tone. He paused for a second, before guiding you to a quiet place. Then, he explained everything...

"Frisk is a human with the power to reset. They basically have control over the timelines. Frisk has fallen into the Underground many times, but they always end up resetting at the end of their journey. Nobody seems to remember the other timelines, but I remember them clear as day. When they realised they had the power to reset, they began to play around with it, trying out different things each time to try and get different endings. Sometimes they freed us all, sometimes they escaped on their own, and sometimes they killed us all. There were other times where they killed some of us, and spared others, just to get a different ending." He explained.

"Did they ever kill me?" You asked, very interested in what he was telling you.

"Well, thing is you weren't originally present in the timelines. You only started appearing in the past few. Frisk hasn't done a genocide since you started appearing, but they have been resetting as soon as they encounter you. I think they think that they've broken the timelines, and they think that resetting over and over will eventually wipe you from the timeline."

"But... What about that dream...? They killed Papyrus..." You said, tears forming in your eyes again.

"You were most likely having visions of a past timeline. One of their Genocide routes. I don't know how or why you had that vision, but I have a feeling it won't be the last..."

"SANS! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?" Papyrus asked, noticing Sans' hushed tone.

"Nothing, Pap." He shrugged.

Papyrus sighed. "WELL, IF YOU SAY SO." He then walked into the kitchen, and began cooking something. Knowing Papyrus, it was most likely spaghetti. He cooked spaghetti a lot, which was most likely why he was so good at it. Plus, you loved spaghetti, so you were actually very happy that he cooked it all the time.

While you waited, you sat on the couch, as your mind became flooded with questions. Why were you getting these visions? Why were they of past timelines? Why were you getting them now, of all times? And most importantly: What did they mean? Hopefully, all of these questions will be answered with time...

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