Chapter 6

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Sans just stared at you and Papyrus, no emotions present on his face. You and Papyrus stared back. You all stayed like this for about 5 minutes, non of you daring to move, as an awkward silence filled the room. After what felt like an eternity, Sans finally broke the silence.

"So... Are you guys officially a couple now?" he asked, trying to sound casual. He failed miserably though, as you could still sense the awkwardness in his voice. You looked at Papyrus, giving him a reassuring smile. He smiled back at you, before looking over to Sans.


"Cool. I'm happy for ya, bro." he stated, before walking over to you and leaning in close. "But if you break his heart..." he paused for a moment, his eye sockets turning fully black, "You're gonna have a bad time..."

You gulped. This was the first time you had ever feared your own best friend. You knew he was very protective of his younger brother, but you had never seen him act this way before, especially towards you. Sans was your best friend. He trusted you, and you trusted him. He knew you were a good person, right? And besides, you would never do anything to hurt Papyrus. You loved Papyrus with all your heart.

"But I'm sure that won't happen. Right, kiddo?" he prompted, his eye sockets returning to normal. You nodded, still a little scared of how Sans just acted. He could probably sense this, as he tried to lighten the mood.

"C'mon kiddo, you should really..." he began, before turning on the light in the living room, "Lighten up!"

You laughed at his pun, and Sans laughed too.

"I'm really glad you find my puns humerus! At least I know my puns aren't bone dry!"

You burst out laughing, and then you decided to make a few of your own.

"They're pretty good, but you should really put some more backbone into it!"

"You know kiddo, it's good to know my puns don't get under your skin!"

"Yeah, I'm sure that would really rattle your bones!"

"Tibia-nest, I've been working myself down to the bone recently!"

"Same here, I've been thinking a skele-ton about how to beat you in a pun war!

"Well kiddo, all you gotta do is try to tickle my funny bone!"

"Don't worry, my eggcelent puns should be enough to crack you up!" you returned, going to the kitchen and retrieving an egg.

"You won't be able to beat me, as long as I keep the yolks coming!"

You got a doughnut, and took a bite out of it."Doughnut underestimate me, Sans!"

"I think you mean, under-egg-stimate!"

"Why didn't I think of that?" you asked, earning a shrug from Sans.

"Kiddo, I think you need to chill out!"

"I don't know feather I can!" you giggled, gesturing to the pile of feathers that covered the floor, before grabbing a handful and throwing it at him.

"I gotta admit, that one almost went over my head!" he laughed, as you threw more feathers at him.

"This time, I snow I'm not gonna lose!"

You heard a loud sigh from beside you. You looked over to Papyrus, quickly noticing the annoyed expression on his face.

"Don't worry about him, kiddo. Puns just seem to go through him!" Sans laughed.

You thought for a moment, unable to come up with any more puns.

"Give up, kiddo?"


"Well then, I hope you ready for your pun-ishment!"

"SANS! SHE ALREADY LOST!" Papyrus yelled, clearly noticing the pun.

"I know, but I consider myself quite punny!"


"I dunno, Pap. I just like puns." he replied lazily.

"Sans? What's the punishment gonna be?" you asked, curiosity filling your voice.

"I haven't decided yet, but I'll tell you when I've thought of something." he told you. "Anyway, do you wanna go to Grillby's?"


And with that, you went with Sans to Grillby's, completely unaware of what he was planning for your punishment...

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