Chapter 2

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You and Papyrus were in the kitchen, making spaghetti. By the time you were done, the 2 of you had somehow splattered pasta sauce onto the walls and ceiling, and dropped some of the spaghetti  on the floor. You put the spaghetti onto 3 plates and set the table, making sure that everything was perfect. You then ran upstairs and knocked on the door to Sans' bedroom. There was shuffling from the other side, and then the door opened to reveal Sans.

"Heya kiddo, what's up?" he said lazily, his usual grin on his face.

"Hey Sans, I just wanted to tell you the spaghetti's ready." you replied. You and Sans then made your way downstairs, sitting down at the table. As the 3 of you were eating the spaghetti, you noticed Sans staring at the kitchen.

"Woah... What happened to the kitchen?" he asked, his expression somewhere between concern and confusion.

"WE MADE SPAGHETTI, OF COURSE! DON'T WORRY, WE'LL CLEAN IT UP!" Papyrus exclaimed, cheerful as usual. That was something you loved about him: he was always so happy and positive, no matter what, and he always seemed so enthusiastic about everything. Before long, you began to daydream about Papyrus, even though he was sitting right next to you.

"HUMAN? ARE YOU OK?" Papyrus' voice snapped you back into reality.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine! Why'd you ask?"


"Oh, don't worry, I was just spacing out, that's all!" you told him, smiling cheerfully.


"Oh, not much. I was just letting my mind wander." you replied, not wanting to admit that you were daydreaming about him. You could tell you had him fooled, but Sans didn't look so convinced.

"You sure, kiddo? I think I saw a bit of drool there." he teased. You quickly wiped your mouth with your sleeve, soon realising that you were in fact drooling. This caused Sans to chuckle.

"Something tells me you were thinking about your crush. So, who is it?" he enquired.

"Sans! I've already told you that it's a secret!" you yelled, embarrassment present in your voice. You attempted to hide your red face with your hands, failing miserably.

"I'm just messin' with ya, kiddo." Sans laughed, before continuing. "You don't have to tell me, but just know you can trust me, ok?"

You nodded, and the 3 of you went back to eating spaghetti. Once you were done, you and Papyrus got to cleaning the kitchen, while Sans lay down on the couch. It was easy to clean the pasta sauce off the walls, and you cleaned the floor in no time at all, but neither of you could reach the pasta sauce on the ceiling.


You had to admit, it was a good idea. Papyrus kneeled down, allowing you to get onto his shoulders. He then held your legs tightly, as to make sure you don't fall, and you got to work cleaning the ceiling. After about half an hour, the 2 of you had finished cleaning the kitchen. It was getting kinda late, and you were feeling really tired. You yawned, stretching your back, causing it to click. Papyrus gasped.

"HUMAN! YOUR BACK JUST CLICKED!" he shouted, sounding extremely worried.

"Don't worry, it does that sometimes." you reassured him. He breathed a sigh of relief, kneeling down again to let you off his shoulders. You and Papyrus walked upstairs, hand in hand, and entered his bedroom. Papyrus closed the door behind you both, and sat down on his racecar bed. Walking over to the closet, you picked out a matching set of (F/C) pyjamas, and started to get changed. For a moment, you forgot Papyrus was in the room with you. Once you had finished getting changed, you turned to Papyrus, who had tensed up and had an orange tint on his cheekbones.

"H-HUMAN! I'M SO SORRY! I-I DIDN'T MEAN TO STARE!" he apologised, sounding like he felt guilty.

"I-It's ok, I don't mind." you said, blushing a little. You sat down next to him, as an awkward silence filled the room. After about 5 minutes, you decided to break the silence.

"Should we.. sleep?" you asked, hoping the awkwardness would die down. You looked over to Papyrus, noticing he wasn't there anymore. Looking around the room, you saw him standing by the closet, only wearing his usual blue shorts and a pair of red knee-high socks. You felt your face heat up as soon as you layed eyes on him. Upon seeing your reaction, his cheekbones turned orange again. You didn't know a skeleton could blush, but you decided not to question it. Anyway, he walked over to you, sitting next to you on the bed.

"YEAH, WE SHOULD SLEEP." he agreed. Papyrus lay down on the bed, and you lay down next to him. He then pulled the blanket over you both.

"GOODNIGHT, (Y/N)" he said, a lot quieter than usual.

"Goodnight, Papyrus." you returned, before slowly drifting off to sleep.

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now