Chapter 9

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A few hours had passed, and you were currently sat on the couch with Sans and Papyrus. Undyne, Alphys and Mettaton were all sat on the floor. You were bored out of your mind and, judging by their faces, everyone else was too. After what felt like forever, Undyne finally broke the silence.

"Ok, I'm bored, let's all think of something to do!" She yelled, standing up.

"Like what?" You asked.

"Uh... I don't exactly know. Anyone else got any ideas?"

Everyone shook their heads. Everyone except for Sans, who had fallen asleep on the couch. A few more minutes of silence passed, and then you decided that you wanted to draw. You went upstairs to Papyrus' room and walked over to your box of art stuff, grabbing your sketchbook and your pencil case. You then made your way back downstairs and sat on the floor in front of the couch, opening your sketchbook and beginning to draw. Having nothing better to do, everyone crowded around you to watch you draw. Meanwhile, Sans was still asleep on the couch.

By the time you had finished your drawing and coloured it in, 6 and a half hours had passed. You announced that you had finished, and then proceeded to show everyone your drawing: In the middle of the page, you had drawn yourself, standing there smiling and throwing up 2 peace signs. To your left was Papyrus, his right arm draped over your shoulders, and his left hand resting on his hip bone. To your right was Mettaton, who was posing dramatically, with a microphone in his right hand. Sans stood next to Papyrus, with his hands in his pockets and a lazy grin plastered on his face. Floating behind Mettaton was Napstablook, wearing a pair of headphones, his expression as sad as it usually was. Undyne was standing in the background between you and Papyrus, holding her spear, while Alphys was sitting on her shoulders and loosely gripping her flowing red hair.

Everyone thought that your drawing was amazing. They all told you how good it was, and Mettaton made multiple comments on how fabulous he looked, and how the pose you drew him in really captured his beauty. Sans, who was now awake, casually said that your drawings keep getting better and better. After a while, you took your sketchbook and pencil case upstairs, and put them back in your box of art supplies. You came back downstairs, and sat on the couch. Once again, you were bored.

"(Y-Y/N)? I-I brought M-Mew Mew Kissy Cutie with m-me, I-If your interested. I-I was thinking that we c-c-could watch the rest of the e-episodes..?" Alphys suggested. You nodded, and her anxious expression changed to one of excitement. She scrambled to the DVD player, and put in the disk.

~~~~~~Time skip to halfway through episode 7~~~~~~

You felt something shift from under you, quickly realising that Papyrus wanted to get up. You stood up and let him past, before sitting back down again. You watched as Papyrus went to the kitchen, and began taking out the ingredients for spaghetti. You smiled to yourself, thinking it was really sweet of him to go out of his way to cook food for you all. Sure he made spaghetti every day, but you didn't mind. After all, his spaghetti was delicious!

Half an hour later, he re-emerged from the kitchen, a large plate of spaghetti balanced on each hand. He gave one to you, and the other to Sans, before going back into the kitchen and getting 2 more. He gave them to Undyne and Alphys, before going back into the kitchen a final time to retrieve the last 2 plates of spaghetti. He gave one to Mettaton, before sitting down and preparing to eat.

"Uh.. Paps?" Sans said.


"Are we supposed to eat this with our hands, or..."

"I FORGOT THE FORKS!" Papyrus exclaimed. He was about to get up, when you offered to get the forks for him. Without waiting for him to respond, you went to the kitchen and grabbed 6 forks. You came back into the living room and handed everyone a fork, before going back to the couch and sitting on Papyrus' lap.

After you had all eaten your spaghetti, Undyne took everyone's plates and forks to the kitchen, rejoining everyone in the living room a moment later. She noticed that there was a spare seat in the middle of the couch, and she quickly sat down, picking up Alphys and pulling her onto her lap. Not wanting to be the only person on the floor, Mettaton got up and sat on the arm of the couch, next to you and Papyrus. You all continued to watch Mew Mew Kissy Cutie, until you eventually fell asleep on the couch...

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