Chapter 10

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You woke up to the sound of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie's theme song. Looking around, you realised that is was still dark, and you were all still on the couch. Everyone was asleep except for you. Slowly, you got up and walked over to the TV, grabbing the remote and switching it off. Turning around, you observed the current scene for a moment, pondering what you should do. Sans was sleeping on the left side of the couch, the back of it acting as his head rest. Undyne was sleeping on the middle seat of the sofa, her chin resting on top of Alphys's head and her strong arms wrapped around Alphys's sleeping form. Papyrus was sleeping on the right side of the couch, his head resting on Mettaton's side. And Mettaton was sat on the right arm of the couch, leaning partly against Papyrus and partly against the back of the couch.

Smiling softly, you went back to the couch and sat on Papyrus's lap, just as you had been before. As soon as you sat down, you felt a pair of long bony arms wrap around your waist. You looked up at Papyrus, only to find him still sleeping. Had he sub-consciously done this in his sleep, or was he just pretending to sleep? Either one was possible. You adjusted yourself to a more comfortable position, and leaned towards Mettaton, resting your head against his side. Since Papyrus was also resting his head against Mettaton's side, you figured it would be fine if you did the same.

You began to fall asleep, as you felt something stroking your hair. You were confused, as both of Papyrus's arms were around your waist, and both of his hands were at your sides, so there was no way he could be stroking your hair. Wait... Was Mettaton the one stroking your hair? You were too tired to question it, so you let the comforting feeling of someone stroking your hair carry you off to sleep.

When you woke up for a 3rd time, you noticed that somebody was still stroking your (H/L) (H/C) hair. Looking around, you shortly realised that your suspicions were correct, and it was indeed Mettaton who was stroking your hair. Why was Mettaton stroking your hair? That was beyond you. This was very strange. Although... It did feel kinda good...

No! You couldn't think like that! You were with Papyrus, not Mettaton! You must try to ignore the fact that this extremely attractive robot was stroking your hair! You looked up at Mettaton, who was gazing lovingly at you, seemingly in a trance. You stared into his beautiful pink eyes, as you felt yourself getting lost in them. You felt yourself getting drawn to him, so you managed to snap yourself out of it. Were you falling for Mettaton? Were you actually in love with both of them, instead of just Papyrus? All the evidence pointed to you being in love with both of them. You just had to focus on your feelings for Papyrus, and ignore your feelings for Mettaton! That wouldn't be so hard... Right? You tried to tell yourself that it would be easy, but one look at Mettaton and you knew it wouldn't be as easy as you thought...


Hey guys, sorry for the wait. I have been quite busy recently, and I've had writer's block on top of that. I hope this chapter was worth the wait, and I'm sorry if the chapter was a bit weird. I honestly didn't have any ideas for it.

Anyways, I hope you're having an amazing day, and don't lose hope in these tough times. Don't let this lockdown get your spirits down, and remember: Stay awesome.

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