Chapter 3

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You woke up, only to find that you were cuddling with Papyrus. Blushing, you let go of him, rolling over and slipping out of his warm embrace. How a skeleton could be warm was something you decided not to question, considering that all monsters were made of magic. As you got out of bed, you heard shuffling behind you.

"HUMAN! HOW DID YOU SLEEP?" Papyrus asked, his usual grin plastered on his face.

"Good, it was way better than the couch." You replied, tiredness present in your voice. Just then, your stomach growled.


"Papyrus, we can't have spaghetti for breakfast!" you laughed.


"Because spaghetti isn't a breakfast food!"

And with that, the 2 of you got into a lengthy conversation about spaghetti and why isn't a breakfast food. After about half an hour, you both got changed and went downstairs to make breakfast. You and Papyrus settled on pancakes, but since he'd only ever made spaghetti, you had to teach him how to make them. By the time you had finished, the kitchen was a mess. Pancake batter was splattered across the walls, there was a pool of syrup on the counter which was dripping onto the floor, and there were several pancakes stuck to the ceiling. You took the 3 plates of pancakes and placed them on the table. You looked over to the couch, seeing Sans was still asleep. You decided to go and wake him up and tell him breakfast was ready, before the pancakes got cold. Rushing over to him, you shook him until he woke up.

"Sans, breakfast is ready!"

"Huh.. Oh, ok. What did you make?" he asked, yawning.


"Sounds good."

You and Sans joined Papyrus at the table, and the 3 of you started eating. When you had all finished eating, Sans looked over to the kitchen.

"Why does it seem like every time you cook together, the kitchen ends up a mess?" Sans questioned, chuckling.

"I'M... NOT REALLY SURE. BUT AT LEAST IT'S NOT AS MESSY AS YOUR ROOM, SANS!" Papyrus yelled, before adding a quieter "NYEH HEH HEH!"

It was silent for about a minute, until you finally broke the silence. "Don't worry, Sans! We'll clean it up!"

You and Papyrus then spent the next hour cleaning the kitchen, before he carried you upstairs.


"Oh cool, so it's gonna be like a sleepover?"

"EXACTLY! IT'S GONNA BE SO MUCH FUN!" Papyrus exclaimed, as he opened the door to his room. He put you down on his bed, and began packing a bag. You got up and sat next to him on the floor, watching as he put a pair of his pyjamas in the bag. He then put the (F/C) pyjamas you had been wearing into the bag, and asked if there was anything else you wanted to take. You quickly rushed over to the large set of lightweight drawers that you had bought, getting a few pairs of (F/C) underwear and putting them in the bag. You then got your hairbrush and brushed your hair, before also putting that in the bag. Soon after, you and Papyrus left the house with Sans, taking the river person's boat to Waterfall.

When you had arrived, you made your way to Undyne's house. It wasn't a very long walk, and you got there in about 10 minutes. Before you could knock on the door, Undyne opened the door and greeted you, leaving your hand suspended in mid air.

"Hey punks! We've been waiting for you, why don't you come inside!"

As you walked inside with Sans and Papyrus, Undyne took the bags from Papyrus, and directed you all through the blue door. You all followed, shortly realising that the blue door led to a living room. She walked through another door, presumably to her bedroom, only to reemerge a few seconds later without the bags. You made your way over to the couch, where Alphys was sat in the middle watching anime. You and Undyne sat down next to her, while the Skelebros sat on the floor with Mettaton. Sans fell asleep after about 2 hours, and the rest of you watched Anime until 6 PM.

"LET'S ALL PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!" Undyne yelled, causing Sans to wake up.

"GOOD IDEA, UNDYNE!" Papyrus said, matching her volume. "I'LL START. ALPHYS! TRUTH OR DARE!"

"Uh.. I-I guess I'll go with T-Truth!" Alphys stuttered.


"W-With all my heart!" she replied without hesitation. "O-Ok.. Undyne! Truth or d-dare?"

"I think I'll go with... DARE!"

"U-Um.. I dare you t-to yell out your OTP!"

"You want me to yell out my OTP? Ok then, I SHIP (Y/N) AND PAPYRUS!" she announced at the top of her lungs. You and Papyrus both looked at each other, a slight blush present on both your faces.

"Ok, Mettaton! TRUTH OR DARE?"

"I'll go for truth, darling!"

"Who do you have a crush on?" Undyne asked.

"I don't actually have a crush on anyone, darling." he replied, before turning to you. "(Y/N), truth or dare?"


"I think I'll deflect Undyne's question. Who do you have a crush on?"

Your face went bright red. "I don't really wanna answer that..." you mumbled.

"Why not?"

"Because he's in the room."

"You still have to answer! Now, who is it, darling?"

"W-well.. It's... Papyrus!" you admitted. Papyrus gasped, an orange blush creeping onto his cheekbones.

"Anyway, Sans! Truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare."

You thought for a moment. "I dare you to... Empty out your bag onto the floor!"

Sans went to retrieve his bag from Undyne's room, returning with it about a minute later. He emptied it out onto the floor, revealing 8 bottles of ketchup.

"You only brought ketchup with you!?" you exclaimed.

"Yeah." he shrugged, "Anyway, Papyrus, truth or dare?"


Sans smirked. "I dare you to kiss your crush!"


"A dare's a dare, you gotta it bro."

Papyrus then told everyone except Sans to close their eyes, and you all did as he said. Then, you heard shuffling, before something pressed against your lips. Papyrus was kissing you! You kissed him back, before he pulled away a few seconds later. You opened your eyes, and both you and Papyrus were blushing madly. Sans told everyone to open their eyes, and then Undyne looked around, confused.

After a few minutes, she finally asked: "So who did he kiss?"

"(Y/N)" Sans said casually.

"FINALLY! My OTP might ACTUALLY happen!"

You all talked for a while, before getting changed into your pyjamas, and making sleeping arrangements. Undyne only had 3 air mattresses, and limited space, so she decided to push the air mattresses together on one side of her room. Eventually, the sleeping arrangements had been made: Undyne and Alphys would sleep in Undyne's bed, everyone else would sleep on the air mattresses. You and Papyrus would sleep on the middle air mattress, Mettaton would sleep on the air mattress beside you, and Sans would sleep on the air mattress beside Papyrus. Finally, you all went to bed, and you fell asleep in Papyrus' arms.


Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying the story so far. This is the longest chapter I've written so far, so I hope it wasn't to long. Anyway, I hope you're all having a great day!

P.S: For anyone who's wondering, the total word count is 1273 words.

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now