Chapter 5

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You spent the next 4 hours cleaning up the living room and putting the furniture back the way it was. It wouldn't have taken as long, but Sans had fallen asleep on a pile of pillows in the middle of the room, leaving the rest of you to clean up by yourselves. Once you were done, you all decided to get revenge on Sans. Together, the 5 of you planned a series of pranks to pull on Sans. It took a while, but you managed to come up with some really good ones. Now all you had to do was gather the supplies...

~~~~~~Time skip to after the shopping trip~~~~~~

You got back from the shop, and began to set up your pranks. You got some felt-tip pens and started to draw on Sans's face when he was asleep. You ended up giving him red devil horns, a black curly moustache, a pair of evil pink eyebrows, and a tiny green top-hat. By the time you had finished, he looked hilarious! Then, you went into his bag and retrieved 2 bottles of ketchup. You quickly gathered the others in the living room, and asked them if their pranks were set up. They all said "yes".

The others went into their places, and then you opened both bottles of ketchup. You squeezed the ketchup bottles as hard as you could, and aimed them at Sans. He woke up, covered in ketchup and felt-tip, looking at you with his left eye glowing blue. You took one look at him, and burst out laughing. His expression changed from angry to shocked, and he ran to the bathroom to look at the mirror. You heard the sound of a tap running, before Sans emerged from the bathroom. He was no longer covered in ketchup, but the felt-tip was still on his face.

"So, is this permanent?" he asked casually. You shook your head, and Sans breathed a sigh of relief. The 2 of you then went into the kitchen, only to find that nobody was there. You smirked, knowing that Sans was about to get pranked again. You looked around, seeing Papyrus hiding behind the fridge, holding a rope. You looked to see where it went, shortly realising that it went through a makeshift hook in the ceiling, and connected to a bucket. You told Sans to stay where he was, and then you quickly made your way over to Papyrus. He let go of the rope, and you watched as the large bucket fell and landed on Sans's head, covering his entire body in cold pasta sauce. He took the bucket of his head, as you and Papyrus erupted into a fit of laughter.

Sans went back into the living room, only to find Undyne, Alphys, and Mettaton. They were holding pillows that had been ripped open, and started to shake them. Feathers flew out of the pillows and stuck to the pasta sauce that was covering Sans, making him look like a giant red and white bird. They ripped oven more pillows and continued to cover Sans in feathers until he ran to the bathroom again, locking the door behind him. You assumed he was taking a shower, since you heard water running, and he was covered in pasta sauce and feathers. When you had all stopped laughing, Papyrus went back into the kitchen and told you all to stay in the living room.

45 minutes later, Papyrus told the others that their food was in the kitchen. They all rushed into the kitchen, and then Papyrus emerged with 2 plates of spaghetti. It smelled amazing, and was presented beautifully, with a heart-shaped meatball on the centre of each plate. He handed one plate to you, along with a fork, and the 2 of you ate your spaghetti on the sofa.

"DO YOU LIKE IT?" he asked.

"It's delicious!"

"NYEH HEH HEH HEH! OF COURSE IT IS! AFTER ALL, IT WAS PREPARED BY ME, MASTER CHEF PAPYRUS! AND TO MAKE IT EXTRA SPECIAL, I CARVED THE MEATBALLS INTO HEARTS!" he announced, pride filling his voice. You decided to feed Papyrus the meatball, and then he fed you the other meatball. Just as you were feeding each other, Sans entered the room...



I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I tried to make it funny by having everyone repeatedly prank Sans throughout the chapter.

Anyway, feel free to comment your thoughts, I'd really like to hear what you think! I'm also open to suggestions, so feel free to comment those too.

I hope you're having an amazing day, and remember:

Stay awesome!

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now