Chapter 4

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When you woke up, it was still dark outside. You were feeling cold, so you snuggled into Papyrus, who was lying next to you. He must have already been awake, because he pulled you closer to his chest. You buried your face into his warm chest, before finally drifting back into the dark void of sleep. When you woke up again, it was light outside. You checked the time, realising that it was now 9 AM. You stayed in Papyrus' warm embrace for a while, until you felt him shift.

"GOOD MORNING, (Y/N)!" he said, a lot quieter than usual, but still pretty loud.

"Morning, Papy!" you replied, yawning. "Do you wanna make breakfast with me?"


The 2 of you got out of bed and walked into the kitchen, discussing what you were going to make for breakfast. When you got there, however, you discovered that Undyne had beaten you to it, and appeared to be making bacon sandwiches.

"Morning, punks!" Undyne greeted, flashing you a toothy grin. She then looked at Papyrus, and her expression shifted to a more confused one. "Uh... Papyrus? Did something happen between you 2?"

"NO, WHY?" he asked, returning her puzzled look.

"You sure? You're kinda blushing, bro." Sans said casually. You looked at Papyrus, only to find that he was indeed blushing. Then, an idea came to you.


"NYEH?" Papyrus looked at you, his blush getting darker, which you figured was because of the nickname you gave him.

"After breakfast we should have a pillow war!"


"Nope, a pillow war. It's like a pillow fight, but better. Basically, there are 2 teams, and each team builds their own pillow fortress. Then, the remaining pillows are placed in a pile in the middle, and that's what's used as the ammo. You throw pillows at the other team until everyone on that team surrender. You can also throw pillows at the other team's fortress to try to make it collapse, so they don't have anywhere to hide. Sound good?"


"Thanks Papy, I just came up with it now!"

You all ate your bacon sandwiches, and then Undyne looked at you.

"So, how many pillows do we need?" she asked.

You thought for a moment. "As many pillows as you can get!"

"This is gonna be EPIC! Let's all get changed, and then we can go and buy as many pillows as we can!"

After getting changed, you and Papyrus went into the living room, and began to move all the furniture into the kitchen, while the others went to buy pillows. An hour later, you had finished moving the furniture, and the living room was now an empty battlefield. As if on cue, the others entered the living room, each holding a massive sack of pillows. You watched in awe as they went to retrieve more sacks of pillows from the kitchen, and emptied them out onto the living room floor. By the time they were done, there must have been at least a thousand pillows.

"O-Ok, now for the teams. Sans, Papyrus a-and (Y/N) on one team. Me, Undyne and M-Mettaton on the other t-team." Alphys stuttered out, and the 2 teams took half of the room each. You all started building your pillow fortresses, and after almost 3 hours, both teams had finally finished building. The pillow fortresses were huge, and had everything from hiding places to lookout towers. Then, you stacked the remaining 200 pillows into a pyramid, and assumed your positions. Sans decided he would defend the fortress, and you and Papyrus went inside the fortress. Then, the pillow war finally started.

You went up to the lookout tower, which was just a stack of pillows, and scanned the battlefield: Alphys was hiding in her fortress, Undyne was throwing pillows at Sans, Sans was using his magic to throw pillows at both Undyne and her fortress, and Mettaton was hiding behind a pillow. You got off the lookout tower, and sat on the floor next to Papyrus.

"HOW'S SANS DOING OUT THERE?" Papyrus asked.

"He's actually doing really well, he's got Mettaton hiding behind a pillow!" you replied, causing you both to laugh. When you'd both calmed down, you leaned into him, and he put his arm around you. The 2 of you sat there in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, before he spoke again.



"I NEED TO ASK YOU SOMETHING." he said, blushing deeply. He then turned you to face him. "WILL YOU... WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND, (Y/N)?"

"Of course I will!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms around him. He wrapped his arms around you, and you stayed like that for a while. You looked up at him, a crimson blush spreading across your face. You leaned up and kissed him, and he instantly kissed back. Since he was a skeleton, he didn't really have lips, so you were kinda just kissing his teeth. It was kinda weird when you thought about it, but nice when you didn't. You continued to kiss him, until Sans walked into the fortress.

"Guys, I need backup. Mettaton stopped hiding behind a pillow, and-" he cut himself off, looking at you and Papyrus. "Woah.."

You and Papyrus broke away, and awkwardly stared at Sans. Suddenly, the fortress caved in, knocking the 3 of you over. Since you were so close to Papyrus, you fell on top of him. There was cheering outside the fortress, and it was clear that you had lost. Sans used his magic to get the pillows off you, but despite this, you couldn't seem to move. You then realised that he was holding you in place.

"(Y/N)! ARE YOU OK?" he asked, sounding very worried.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine Papy."

He then picked you up, and carried you out of the collapsed pillow fortress.

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now