Chapter 17

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When you finally arrived at Alphys's lab, the first thing you all did was unpack. You all got changed into your pyjamas, and put 3 air mattresses on the floor. Undyne and Alphys would have slept in Alphys's bed upstairs, but they didn't want you to feel left out. You just sat and talked for a while, but then you got bored of that, and decided to think of something to do.

"I know!" Undyne said, "Lets play 21 dares!"

Because you were bored, you agreed to it. Alphys also agreed to it, most likely for the same reason.

By the end of the game, you were all in your underwear. This was because Undyne had dared you to do it, and then as revenge you had dared Undyne to do it, and then at some point she dared Alphys to do it.

Eventually, you had given up on 21 dares, and you were once again bored. Suddenly, Undyne picked up a pillow and threw it at you. You looked at her, and she started laughing. A playful smile spread across your face, as you picked up the pillow and threw it back at her. Pretty soon, you and Undyne had gotten into a pillow fight. Since Alphys had nothing better to do, she joined in.

You continued with your pillow fight for about 20 minutes, and then you decided to order pizza. It was a large pizza, of course, as you were planning to share it between the 3 of you. Soon, the pizza had arrived, and you all sat on your air mattresses and began to eat the pizza. About halfway through the pizza, Undyne had an idea.

"Hey guys! I'm gonna prank call Papyrus!" She announced, as a mischievous grin spread across her face. Before any of you could reply, she was already calling him.

"Papyrus! We accidentally buried (Y/N) in so many pillows that she suffocated!" Undyne said into the phone, trying to make it sound believable. You could easily tell she wasn't being serious though, you could hear it in her voice. However, Papyrus didn't seem to detect this. The call ended, and within minutes there was a knock on the door. Alphys put on her lab coat and opened the door, only to find that Papyrus was standing outside, and he was clearly panicking. He had taken it seriously.

"WHERE'S (Y/N)? IS SHE OK?" Papyrus asked, looking around for you. As soon as he saw what was going on, he froze. Undyne was sat there laughing, while you were eating pizza. Pap blushed when he saw you in your underwear, a light hint of orange spreading across his cheekbones. There was a mix of both confusion and embarrassment present on his face.

When you noticed he was standing there, you felt the blood rush to your face. You just stared at each other, as you both became more and more embarrassed, as Undyne's laughing grew louder with each passing second. She was clearly very amused by this.

"You actually fell for it!" Undyne exclaimed. She seemed to be finding this absolutely hilarious. Papyrus looked at her confused, still unable to grasp the concept of it being a prank.

"It was a prank, Papyrus! She's fine!" She said, still laughing, "But since you're here, wanna join our sleepover? We're gonna watch the new Mew Mew Kissy Cutie movie, and it's gonna be AWESOME!"

Papyrus nodded and came inside. He sat next to you on your air mattress, as Alphys scrambled to put the movie into her DVD player. He was still very embarrassed about what had just happened, you could tell by how tense and awkward he was right now, but he was starting to relax a little. 

As the movie began to play, you leaned against him, allowing your head to rest upon his shoulder. You felt his arm wrap around you, as he gently placed his hand on your hip. Considering he was so preoccupied watching the movie, you assumed he didn't realise where his hand was. Either way, you didn't mind.

After a while, you began to feel tired. Your eyes slowly closed, and you soon fell asleep on Papyrus...

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now