Chapter 11

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That day, you tried to avoid Mettaton as much as possible. However, this was easier said than done, especially considering the fact that you were both staying at Undyne's house. At first, Mettaton didn't notice that you were avoiding him. But the longer you ignored him, the more he grew suspicious...

After about an hour, you noticed him giving you questioning glances every few minutes. You just avoided eye contact with him, hoping that he would think you didn't notice. While it wasn't clear whether he noticed or not, Sans certainly did. You knew Sans didn't like Mettaton at all, so it didn't surprise you that Sans had a very smug look on his face.

"Hey kiddo," Sans started, breaking the silence, "Did something happen between you and Mettaton?"

You shrugged, and answered with a simple "No."

Sans looked you dead in the eyes. "You sure? Cos it seems like you've been ignoring him since this morning."

You gulped, before quietly asking, "Is it really that obvious that I've been ignoring him?"

Sans nodded, causing you to sigh. Mettaton looked at you from across the table, a look of sorrow plastered on his face.

"So, is it true you've been avoiding me, darling..?" he spoke sadly. You bowed your head in shame, showing an expression of guilt and regret.

"But... Why..?" he asked, as tears began to well up in his eyes. "Was it something I did? Something I said? Please darling, just tell me."

You sighed, realising it wasn't right to avoid him just because you started having feelings for him. It wasn't fair on him. You had to tell him what was wrong.

"Mettaton..? Can I speak to you in private..?" you hesitantly asked. He nodded, and went with you to the living room, leaving everyone else to eat their breakfast in the kitchen. Once you were sure nobody else was able to hear you, you sighed.

"So, if I tell you, you won't tell anyone... Will you..?"

"Of course I won't, darling. Just tell me why you were avoiding me." he clarified.

"OK, well..." you looked him in the eyes, and started explaining, "I like you, ok? Something you did this morning made me realise that, and I thought that if I avoided you, then my feelings for you would fade. But now I know I shouldn't have avoided you, it wasn't fair on you. I just thought it was the only way..."

"It's OK, darling." he said, pulling you into a hug. "But the real question is, do you still have feelings for Papyrus?"

"Of course I do, I love him more than anything!" you replied without hesitation.

"You see, darling. What you have for me is most likely a crush that will go away after a while, but what you have for Papyrus is real. As long as you don't forget that, you'll soon go back to only wanting him." Mettaton explained. Wow, he could be very reassuring sometimes. After about a minute, he added, "Plus, I am irresistible. Its only natural that you'd be drawn to me!"

You rolled your eyes at how overconfident he was, and then went to join the others in the kitchen again.

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