Chapter 14

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A few minutes later, Papyrus re-entered the room holding 3 steaming plates of spaghetti: One in each of his hands, and one balanced perfectly on his head. He gave one of the plates to you, and the other to Sans, before taking the one off his head and beginning to eat it. You were all eating in silence, until you finally decided to talk.

"Hey Papy?" You started.


"Aren't you gonna sit down?"

There was an awkward pause. He then nodded and sat down next to you. You continued to eat in silence. Looking over to Sans, you realised he didn't seem to be enjoying the spaghetti. He was acting like he was being forced to eat the most disgusting food in the world, and he was struggling to swallow every mouthful. You knew Sans didn't like Papyrus's spaghetti, and only reason Sans was eating it was to be a supportive brother and make him happy. He didn't wanna crush his dreams. You, on the other hand, loved Papyrus's spaghetti. Every mouthful was like heaven, it tasted absolutely delicious and had just the right texture. It was perfect.

At the moment, it was just you, Sans, and Papyrus in the house. Undyne and Alphys had left to go on a date about 5 minutes before the spaghetti was cooked, both of them wearing the same outfits they wear for every date. Mettaton had left just after them, saying he was heading to the MTT Resort to record a live show. Come to think of it, that should be starting any minute now.

Sans swallowed his last mouthful of spaghetti, and then went into the bedroom, presumably to take a nap. He was incredibly lazy, so this was normal for him.

"I'm gonna sleep for a bit. I would go to Grillby's but, ya know, I'm kinda full from the spaghetti." He said lazily, confirming your presumption.

"YES, MY SPAGHETTI IS QUITE FILLING. BUT HOW WAS IT? DID YOU LIKE IT?" Papyrus asked, his voice filled with hope.

"Uhhhhh... It was great, bro!" Sans replied, a nervous smile on his face. You could tell by the look on his face that he was only saying it to not discourage him. Luckily, Papyrus never caught onto it.


Sans gave him a tired smile, before retreating to the bedroom. Then, you and Papyrus turned on the TV and started to watch Mettaton's live show. You got closer to Papyrus, and he put his arm around you. You blushed, and snuggled into him. You didn't realise how close you had gotten to him until the show was over. You looked up at him, only to find him smiling lovingly at you. You blushed, and he looked away.


You cut him off with a kiss. He seemed shocked, but soon melted into the kiss. He put both of his arms around you, and you loosely draped yours over his shoulders. You continued to kiss him, and pulled him closer. You slowly lowered your back until you were laying on the couch, and he was on top of you. Then, he pulled away.

"(Y/N)" He said. He rarely called you by your name, so this came as a little bit of a shock to you.



"Go ahead." You replied.

He lowered himself back onto you, and started kissing you again. He kissed you deeper, and then you felt his tongue press against your lip. You blushed at this. Then, you decided to surprise him. You slipped your tongue into his mouth first, but not to far, and pulled him closer to you. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, and began rubbing it against the bottom of your tongue. This quickly became a heated make-out session, and you never wanted it to end.

Suddenly, the door swung open, and Mettaton stepped in dramatically.

"Hello, darlings! I'm back!" He announced. You and Papyrus quickly pulled away, but it was too late. Mettaton had already seen you.

"Oooooo! What do we have here?" He gasped, before continuing, "I always talk about romance on my show... Could it be that by doing this, I have inspired you to start your own romance?"

"Uhhh... No, but-" You started, but he interrupted you.

"Or maybe..." He paused for dramatic effect, "Papyrus read the book I gave him!"

Papyrus blushed. "YES! I-I DID! AND IT WAS VERY HELPFUL!"

"Well obviously! You were making-out just a minute ago!" Mettaton stated. You and Papyrus blushed even more. Why did Mettaton have to embarrass you both like this? Luckily, he changed the subject, and started talking about his show. He was talking about it for nearly an hour, but you didn't mind. At least he had stopped making comments about your make-out session with Papyrus...

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