Chapter 15

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You woke up in a dark room, lit only by the dim light of the blue glowing mushrooms. This, along with the sound of running water, indicated that you were in Waterfall. How did you get all the way out here? Weren't you just in Undyne's house? Confused, you decided to explore, finding nothing but dust. You didn't like this one bit. Then, you heard Undyne.

"No human has EVER made it past Asgore! Honestly, killing you now is an act of mercy! So STOP being so damn resilient! Anyone else would be DEAD by now!"

You moved closer to the sound of her voice, only to find her fighting the human from your nightmare. The human turned to look at you, flashing you an evil grin. Then, with one last swing of their knife, they reduced Undyne to nothing more than a pile of dust. You cried, as what was left of your friend blew away in the wind. Then, the world around you went dark, until you couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, you heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Dark, darker, yet darker..."

You looked around, trying to find the source of the voice.

"The darkness keeps growing, the shadows cutting deeper..."

You began to panic.

"Photon readings negative..."

In desperation, you called out into the darkness: "Who's there?"

"This next experiment... Seems... Very... Very... Interesting..."

There was a pause.

"What do you two think?"

You froze, the voice sounding a lot closer on that last sentence. Then, a figure appeared in front of you. It was a tall, skeletal figure with a cracked skull. The skeleton wore a long black lab coat, along with a grey turtleneck sweater and some black trousers. There was something somewhat unsettling about him.

"Who... Who are you...?" You asked, shaking slightly.

"I am Dr W.D.Gaster. I was the royal scientist before Alphys." The skeleton replied. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you, (Y/N)."

"H-how do you know my name?"

"That is not important at this moment in time. I am here to warn you about something, but I don't have much time." He started. "I have been sending you visions so you don't make the same mistake I did."

"What mistake?" You were curious now.

"A mistake that got me shattered across time and space, and caused me to become stuck in the void." Gaster began fading, and his voice started to become distorted.

"Gaster? What's happening?"

He continued to fade. He reached out his hand, the palm of which had a large hole in it. You tried to take it, but he fully faded away. You blinked, and suddenly you were back on Undyne's couch. Your head was on Papyrus' shoulder, and he had his arm around you.

"HUMAN! YOU'RE AWAKE!" He exclaimed.

"W-what happened?"


So that's what happened. It was all a dream. A moment of silence passed, but you couldn't stop wondering about what happened to Gaster.



"What happened to Gaster?" You questioned.

Papyrus looked at you, seeming confused. "WHO'S GASTER?"

"The former royal scientist?" You said nervously. Wait, did you just make him up in your head? It was a possibility that you couldn't rule out.


Then, Sans spoke. "You know about Gaster?" This took you by surprise, as you didn't even know he was in the room until now. You nodded, and his eye sockets went dark. His expression turned serious, and he led you to a quiet place. "How do you know about him?"

"Well... I saw him in a dream... He said he was the one sending me the visions, so I didn't make the same mistake he did." You replied. You paused for a moment before asking him the question that had been playing on your mind since you woke up. "Sans... What happened to Gaster?"

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