Chapter 12

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You walked into the kitchen, but something didn't feel right. You felt... off... Your vision started to become blurry, and you began to feel very dizzy. You noticed everyone looking at you with worried expressions, but you weren't quite sure why. Papyrus was trying to talk to you, but you couldn't hear a word he was saying, his voice sounded fuzzy. Your vision started to go black, and soon you couldn't even hear your friends' muffled voices. It all went silent.

You opened your eyes, only to find that you were standing knee-deep in snow. How did you end up back in Snowdin? There was a blizzard, but for some reason you didn't feel cold. You began walking forwards, it seemed like a logical thing to do. Then, you noticed a tall figure in the distance. It was Papyrus! You ran towards him, quickly realising that his back was turned.

"Papyrus?" You called out to him. No response. He couldn't hear you.

"Papyrus!" You called again, louder this time. He still didn't respond. You continued running towards him, only to find that there was someone standing in front of him. It was a child. A small, human child. They were wearing a blue and pink striped shirt, and had shoulder-length brown hair. Why was there another human here? You thought you were the only human in the Underground. You got closer to the child, quickly realising that they were holding a knife. Your eyes widened, as you watched them walk up to Papyrus. He looked at the child with a worried, yet encouraging expression. The child opened their arms, as if they were offering a hug, but their face was still emotionless.

"OH, IS THAT A HUG OF ACCEPTANCE?" He asked, as he kneeled down and hugged the child. Then, they moved their hand up to the back of his neck, and sliced their knife through the top of his spine. His skull fell to the floor, as the rest of his body turned to dust.

"PAPY!!!!!!!" You screamed, tears streaming down your face, as you watched it all happen. You wanted to help him, but your body was bolted in place.

"HUMAN.... I STILL BELIEVE IN YOU...." He said, his words sounding forced, like he was struggling to speak. Then, the child walked over to his skull. They looked at it for a second, before crushing it with their foot. All that was left of him was his scarf...

"HUMAN..." His voice was still echoing in your head.

"HUMAN!" Oh Papy, you missed him so much.


You opened your eyes again. You were on Undyne's couch, and Papyrus was standing over you and shaking you. It was all just a dream!

"Papy! You're ok!" You exclaimed, as you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Tears were still streaming down your face.

"OF COURSE I'M OK! WHY WOULDN'T I BE?" He asked, seeming very confused.

"That dream..." You mumbled. Suddenly, your eyes widened, and you went into full panic mode. "Papy, if a human with a blue and pink striped shirt ever falls down here, stay away from them! Promise me you'll stay away from them!"

Then, you heard Sans' voice from across the room. "So you know about them..."

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now