500 reads?!

533 10 2

Hey guys! I just wanna let u know that we've officially hit 500 reads! You guys are amazing!

It really means a lot that so many of you are reading and enjoying my work, and I really wanna thank you guys for this!

It really means a lot that so many of you are reading and enjoying my work, and I really wanna thank you guys for this!

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While I'm here, I might as well tell you about something regarding updates:

I know I haven't been updating very often, but I've been trying to update as much as possible. I've just been having writer's block with all of my stories for a while, and I'm running out of ideas for my stories. This does not mean I will give up on them or stop updating, because that isn't the case at all. It just means that I won't be updating as often. I'll still try to update once a week though.

If you guys have any suggestions, please feel free to comment them. I always read through and reply to any comments I get, so you're voice will be heard. I'm also open to feedback, and I will use it to improve and become better as a writer.

Anyway, I hope you're all having an amazing day. Always remember that you are very great, just like Papyrus, and you can do anything that you put your mind to. You guys are awesome, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise. And if they do, then they're probably just jealous of how awesome you are!

NYEH! HEH! HEH! (Papyrus X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now