Chapter 7

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As you and Sans arrived at Grillby's, you noticed Sans was grinning mischievously. You gave him a curious glance, getting a slight chuckle in return.

"I know you're plotting something." you stated, as you both sat down at the bar.

"Nah, I'm too lazy for that. Anyway, whadda ya want?"

"I'll go for a burger."

"Ok. Hey Grillbz, I'll take a double order of Burg." Sans told Grillby. A few moments later, Grillby placed 2 burgers on the counter in front of Sans, before handing him a bottle of ketchup. Sans handed you one of the burgers, and offered you some ketchup. You loved ketchup, but last time you were here the lid came off the ketchup, ruining your food.

"Ya know kiddo, I could put the ketchup on for ya. That way it won't spill over everything." he offered. You nodded, and Sans put the perfect amount of ketchup on your burger.

"Thanks Sans."

"No problem, kiddo."

~~~~~~Time skip to after you finished eating~~~~~~

You had just devoured the last of your burger, but for some reason it tasted strange. You shrugged it off and looked over to Sans, only to find him chugging the rest of the ketchup.

"Hey! Save some for me!" you demanded. Sans looked at you, and handed you the bottle of ketchup. You drank the last bit of ketchup, before putting the empty ketchup bottle down. You knew it wasn't exactly normal to drink condiments, but it was something you had picked up from Sans.

The 2 of you left Grillby's, and then Sans teleported you both back to Undyne's house. You walked inside and sat on the couch, feeling tired and wanting to sleep. You yawned and leaned to your side, quickly realising that there was someone there.


You knew that voice anywhere. It was non other than your skeletal boyfriend, Papyrus.

"I dunno. It's probably because we spent like, 4 hours cleaning up after the pillow war." you replied, your tiredness clear from your tone of voice. You allowed yourself to relax, as you leaned into Papyrus. He put his arm around you, and you felt him relax too.

You must have fell asleep at some point, because when you woke up, 2 hours had passed. You stretched, before adjusting yourself into a more comfortable position. You moved so that the back of your head was in his lap, and you were looking up at him. Your back was across the rest of the couch, and your legs trailed over the side. Somehow, you were still tired. You were about to fall asleep again, when you heard Sans chuckle.

"Wow kiddo, I didn't expect it to work that well."

"Expect what to work well?" you asked, extremely confused.

"Your punishment." he said casually. Now you were worried. What did Sans do to you? You were about to speak, when Papyrus did it for you.


"Relax Pap, I just crushed up some sleeping pills and put them on her burger. They should wear off by tomorrow morning." he explained. So that's why your burger tasted funny! But why would Sans choose to do this, of all things? And why sleeping pills? You felt like asking him, but you were too tired. All you wanted to do right now was sleep...

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