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“So tell me about him. When are you guys going on your first official date?” Londy says and I roll my eyes while I continue stuffing my face with this delicious bunny chow. I take a sip of my juice and look at my best friend who is forever curious. “Come on Dee, you have to give me something. Anything to hold on to. Please.” I just laugh.

Mpisi tried to phone me after the restaurant accident to arrange up a date, but I just ignored him. He even dispatched his personal assistant, who made arrangements for me to visit a spa. Of course, I went since who wouldn't take advantage of a free spa day? I don't believe I'm ready for a relationship. Sure, I'm in need of some TLC and sex, but there are so many people who would be disappointed if I pursued a relationship with him, and I'm simply not prepared for the backlash. I've been ignoring him for a month, but he refuses to give up. He gives me money, gifts, gift cards to spas and clothing and food stores, and pretty much anything that a male would buy for his girlfriend. He simply refuses to take the hint.

“Just leave me alone Londy. I don’t wanna go out with him.”
“But why?” she does that pouting thing that Yamihle does when she wants something and you are refusing to give it to her.
“I don’t want to. Isn’t that reason enough?” she shakes her head.
“Unfortunately for you, I know you friend and I know you like him very much. What is it that you are afraid of?” I huff and sit back.

“My parents, in fact my entire family, is apprehensive about dating outside our race. Tristin may not have told you, but he battled tooth and nail to keep you in his life. They even tried to hook him up with a couple of white girls, but he stood firm in his desire for your affection. Mpisi is an older black man. My family will undoubtedly believe I have gone insane and will undoubtedly execute an exorcism on me.” she looks shocked. I guess it is the Tristin part. Shit. She wasn’t supposed to know about it.

“When did that happen?” gosh. Why did I open my big mouth?
“Londy please. This is in the past. They like you now and they have accepted you. Please don’t ask Tristin about this because he made me swear not to tell you.” she sighs and stands up. “Londy come on.”

“I need some air.” She heads out. Tristin is going to be so pissed on me, but I can always blame it on the hormones. Yeah, that would do the trick. I take my phone out and quickly call Tristin. He answers after a few rings.
“Hey D. can’t talk right now. Call again later.”

“No. this can’t wait. I may or may not have blurted to Londy about mom and dad setting you up with white girls just to get rid of her. Just a heads up.” I quickly hang up and within a matter of seconds he calls back. Didn’t he say he was busy? But who is going to answer this call because it ain’t me.  I stand up and tidy up my desk. I might as well go home because I am going to be bored without Londy at the office.

I grab my belongings and leave. I get in my car and head to the shopping center. It's time to put one of Mpisi's vouchers to use. A voucher for Woolworths Food. In addition, I'm desiring various ice cream flavors. As an apology, I'm also going to acquire a tub for Londy. When I get to Woolies, I load up my trolley with fruits and other delights so that I won't be condemned for buying too much ice cream. I then proceed to the frozen foods section. I start with Londy's absolute favorite flavor, Italian pistachio ice cream.

I then take cookies and cream, triple caramel, stracciatella and Belgian chocolate flavours for myself. I go pay for my grocery and head out. While searching for my phone in my bag, I bump into someone with my trolley. I quickly look up.

“I am so sorry for that. I am so clumsy. Please forgive me.”
“It’s nothing to worry about Miss.” The man in a black suit says.

“MOMMY!” a tiny voice shout and before I know it, I am nearly knocked to the ground. I look at this creature who has mistaken me for her mother and my lips automatically stretch out into a wide smile when my eyes land on Ahlelelwe Mpisi. I stand up straight and hug her. “I thought I would never see you again.” God these hormones, now I am tearing up. I quickly wipe them before Ahlelelwe can see that I am crying.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now