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“What’s the other key for?” I ask, taking a step back from him. He smiles and turns to our guests.

“We will be back after a few minutes.” He leads me to my car.

“If we are going somewhere, please let me drive.” I whine and he chuckles shaking his head. I know I am just taking a chance. There is no way in hell he is going to let me drive. Even if it’s my brand new car. My present. He opens the passenger door and I huff before climbing inside. He slides in the driver seat and takes the car keys from my hands before bringing the car to life and driving away. It feels like I am in a plane. Being inside my car is so unreal. I find myself giggling while running my hands through any touchable surface. I hear him chuckling and I turn to look at him.

“I am happy that I am able to make you this happy. I promise to always try and keep a smile on your face. I know I will annoy you sometimes, but your happiness is going to be my number one priority from this day on.”

“Don’t say your vows. You are going to make me cry.” He laughs. “I also promise to be there for you whenever you need me, even when you don’t need Me.” he snorts and shakes his head. “After the kids, you are my number one priority.” I reach up to kiss his cheek and he blushes. I don’t comment on it because I don’t wanna make him uncomfortable.

After some time, we pull up in this really beautiful house. My heart immediately stop when I recognize it from pictures. I turn to look at him and he has a stupid grin plastered on his face. We drive in and I am in awe of the beauty of the exterior. How beautiful is it on the inside? I don’t even wait for him to open the door for me. I jump down and practically run to the front door. He stops me, laughing as he wraps his hands around my waist.

“Stop running. You will trip and fall.” I pout and he kisses me before leading me to the front door. He hands me the key and I excitedly open the door, jumping up and down in excitement. God, I am like a kid with all this happiness. I finally manage to unlock the door and we step inside. I don’t dare utter a single word as I walk around, taking in the breathtaking view of the house. “Welcome to your home, Mrs. Mpisi.” I turn to him and just hug him tightly, with Gram making the hug very uncomfortable.

“I thought I was still going to go view it and see if it’s okay for us.”

“I wanted to surprise you. This is also your wedding gift because the house is under your name.” I stare at him in complete shock. He smiles. “I know it might be a lot to take in but we still have guests back at our old house. So let’s go back to our party. We will come check our house properly tomorrow.”

“I don’t know what to say.” My voice is suddenly shaky, breaking.

“You don’t have to say a word.” He kisses my forehead. “I love you. I won’t get tired of telling you this every day and I wanna keep that smile on your face for the rest of your life.” I blush and wipe away my falling tears. He takes my hand and we head back to the car.

We arrive at our ‘old house’. There are more cars in the yard now. He parks the car and I quickly head upstairs to change into my second dress. I join the party. Most of the adults, pensioners, are chilling at the patio. Mom and Mrs. Mpisi seem to be besties because they are chatting and laughing. I don’t bother going to them. instead I go join the other couples in the gazebo. They are drinking and smoking hubbly which they quickly get rid of when I get to the table. I go sit on Jobe’s lap and they all laugh while Ndabe rolls his eyes with a smile on his face.

“I am not even going to say anything. I don’t wanna be on the receiving end of your hormones.” Sis Lwah stated and we all laugh.

“I'm sorry for being late, Mrs. Mpisi.” A voice distracts me and I smile when I see Zweli with Lindy. “Congratulations and hello everyone.” We all greet back and his eyes pop out when they land at sis Thandeka who is busy massaging her husband's head. I think she is the only female allowed to touch his dreads.

“Do you guys know each other?” I question looking between sis Thandeka and Zweli. He gives me a small smile and then nods. Sis Thandeka raises her head and she frowns when she sees Zweli.

“Do I have to kill someone?” bhut Sizwe asks causing us all to laugh.

“Zweli and I have a bit of a history. We fooled around a long time ago, while Khwezi was still alive. So you can imagine how long was that.” Lwah chuckles. “Anyways, Zweli, this is my husband and partner in crime, Sizwe Mnguni. Babe, he owns Mthente Holdings.”

“One cow for fucking my sister.” Jobe teases and we all laugh. The tension immediately dies down. I go sit next to my husband and cuddle him.

“Missed me?” he asks in a low tone and I smile before nodding. He brings me even more closer to him and rubs my bump.

“What are your thoughts on ukungena?” Nolby asks and I frown. The only ukungena I know is entering a door or entering anything.

“What is that?” I quickly ask and she chuckles.

“When your husband dies, it's tradition that his younger or older brother takes over his household. Marries you and your kids call him daddy.” My eyes pop out. I am shocked by this. What kind of fuckery is this? I would never do something like this.

“God I would die before I sleep with my husband's brother. It would be too gross for me. God, no. If he were to die, I would take the kids and we would move to another country because as much as I would like to keep some things, it would be too painful for me to move on while still sleeping at the same bed we shared.” I answer honestly and Ndabe kisses my temple.

“I am not leaving you. We will grow old together and we will die together.” He whispers and I smile.

“Ukungena was cool, less dramatic and complicated in the past. Women were born and raised to be submissive. To be controlled by their husbands and in laws. Devoted to keeping the house warm, no matter what the circumstances are. That's why ukungena was not a big deal in the past. Now people kill each other for inheritance. If u Vuyo's had a brother and then the brother kills him, knowing he will marry me and then gain all Vuyo's assets, that would be too much and I would surely kill him. So if I were to be allowed to contribute my 2 cents advice, I would say they must do away with that practice, also ukuthwala.” Mrs. Sithole explains and we nod.

“For me, I am madly in love with my husband and I would die inside if he were to die. So if his younger brother were to come with the intention of taking over his assets, I would squeeze the life out of him without a single thought.” Sis Thandeka states in a stern voice.

“Yeah, we know.” Audrey chirps in and we laugh because we know just how true Thandeka’s statement is.

“What about the royalty marries royalty rule?” I enquire looking at Nolby. “If your family were to suggest that you marry a Xhosa prince or king, would you do it or would you elope with Stevens?”

“I would elope because I live for that white dick.” Stevens looks away shyly and we break into laughter. Trust Nolby to make her boyfriend uncomfortable like that.

“When are you popping the question?” Fortunate asks looking at Stevens and he takes something out of his pocket.

“How about now?” he opens the small box on his hand, revealing a rose gold beautiful diamond ring. The ladies scream while Nolby just stares at him looking so shocked. First time seeing Nolby speechless. Did Stevens plan this with Fortunate?

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