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‘You’re sure you don’t want me to be that child’s stepfather or better yet, his actual father?” Asher asked and I gave him a mean stare. Of course that didn’t intimidate him because he laughed. “Come on,” Asher continued annoying me. “I’m white, you’re white, nobody is going to ask questions.” I took my car keys from the table and threw them at him. He laughed as he ducked the throw. He picked the keys from the floor and tucked them in his jeans.

“You are married for heaven sake, you idiot. Stop bothering me.” I said rolling my eyes.
“I can make you my second wife.” He said with a smirk. “I know it is not common in our culture, but I believe that we can make things happen. What do you say? We create history?” he said placing his hand on my belly and I hit it. He laughed and took a step back. He placed my keys before me and whistled his way out. He stopped at the door, turning to give me a wink before walking out.

“You have to stop letting him get under your skin. He likes teasing you and he just loves being close to you because of the pregnancy. He has a thing for babies. He was like that when I was pregnant but less flirty.” Sis Thandeka said laughing. I just rolled my eyes and stood up.’

“Are you sure she is okay? Check again, Audrey. We don’t want anything bad happening to baby Gram.” Sis Thandeka says to Audrey who is placing down her stethoscope.
“She is fine, boss. She was just shocked. All she needs is a rest and less stressful environment.” Audrey says helping me sit up.
“Thank you. What time is it?” I ask putting on my jacket.

“9 am. Your man has been calling you nonstop since last night. I even told Londy to tell him that you are sleeping. Of course he called again first thing in the morning. I doubt he slept a wink. Have you told him about Pride?” bhut Sizwe asks and I shake my head. “Good. He doesn’t need to know about your involvement. Maybe you will tell him once you’re married, but not now.” I nod.
“Where is my phone?” he retrieves it from his pocket and hands it to me. 10 missed calls from Ndabe, only from this morning. This old man is dramatic. I dial his number and he answers almost immediately.

“Thank God you’re alive. I was even thinking of sending a search party or even going to the farmhouse uninvited because I thought I did something wrong. What’s up?” he talks so fast. I climb down the bed and walk out of the ward.
“My blood pressure was up last night, so I had to spend the night at the hospital for observation. But I am fine now and I am driving back home.” I say biting my lip, hoping that he is going to buy these lies and not ask any questions. I hear him breathing deeply on the other end of the line.

“But why didn’t you tell me, Dakota? I could’ve been there for you and even spent the whole night with you at the hospital.” I climb inside the car and connect my phone to the car’s Bluetooth audio. I then drive out.
“I am fine, baby. It was no big deal really. Please calm down. If it will make you feel any better, you can come and see me at home in about an hour.” He sighs but ends up agreeing. We say our goodbyes and I drive home with a heavy heart. I got along so well with Asher. He was very humble and easy going, but when he was on gangster mode, he was very intimidating. I just hope that his killers will be found and get the punishment they deserve for their actions.

Getting home, I first take a shower and then get dressed in comfortable clothes. I take my tablet and some documents and then head to the lounge. I get some work done before I hear the door bell ringing. I hear the door opening and footsteps getting closer. Rain comes in followed by Ndabe. She smiles at me and then disappears to the kitchen. Ndabe comes to sit next to me and kisses my head.

“How are you doing right now?” I smile.
“I am good now. That trip to the doctor really helped me.”
“What happened? What led to your BP spiking up?”
“I just found out that a friend of mine passed on. So I didn’t take the news really well. But I am fine now.” His face softens and he moves even closer to me.
“I am so sorry to hear that, my love. I am going to accompany you to the funeral if that’s okay with you.” I give him a tight smile.

“That would be great. I will inform you once I know the actual day for the funeral.” He nods and brushes my belly. Baby Gram decides to greet her daddy and Ndabe smiles widely. He takes out something from his pocket. My eyes pop out when I see what it is. He doesn’t even say anything, he just slides it in my ring finger.
“You can’t be someone’s fiancé without a diamond on your finger now, can you?” he says jokingly and I just laugh. What am I going to do with his on and off romantic self?


Cleo sat in her car for almost an hour just gathering her thoughts and figuring what she was going to say. Asher was more than an employee to her and her right hand man. When they first met, he was just a street fighter who participated in cage fights maybe twice a week in order to make ends meet for him and his family. He had a wife, 2 kids and his younger brother who was in high school at that time.

While sitting and reliving past memories, a car parked next to hers. Lutho got out of his car and came to her window. He knocked and Cleo lowered the window. “I had a feeling you hadn’t gone inside yet.” He said with a small smile. Cleo exhaled loudly before he opened her door and climbed out. Another car parked next to Lutho’s car and Nicky climbed off. She came to where they were and no words were exchanged. They were all dreading delivering the news to Asher’s family but it had to be done. They started the long walk to the main door. Lutho knocked once and Irene opened the door. One look at them, she knew that something was wrong.

“Where is he?” she asked trying to mask her worry with a show of strength. Cleo cleared her throat.
“May we come in?” she asked. Irene nodded and made way for them. The house was quiet, meaning the kids were at school. Lutho, Cleo and Nicky sat on a 3-seater couch and Irene sat across them. “This is not easy, Irene. You know how dangerous our line of work is. We go out there, risking our lives for the soft life. When we go out, we never know the outcome of the mission, but we always hope that we come out alive.”

“Is he dead?” Irene asked, her voice already breaking. Cleo sighed and nodded. Irene swallowed hard. “What happened?”
“He was shot on our last mission. Before he took his last breath, he told me to tell you that he loves you so much and he will protect you, even when he is not there. Keep him in your heart and he will always comfort you.” Lutho said and Irene started sobbing. Cleo stood and went to sit next to her. She wrapped her arms around Irene and she wailed.

“We are so sorry, Irene. We didn’t wish for this outcome. But trust me, we will avenge his death and please know that you will never go hungry while Pride is still standing and thriving. We will take care of you and your children. We are family now and you will never suffer as long as we live.” Cleo said brushing Irene’s arm.

“He left a lot of money for you. We will talk about it after the funeral. If you need any help with the preparations, please don’t hesitate to ask us.” Nicky said. She was trying to stop her tears from falling. Irene wiped her tears but it was futile because they kept on falling. She cleared her throat.
“If it won’t be much trouble, please organize the funeral for me. I don’t think I am going to be strong enough for this. You guys are like family, our family and the only people who I trust with my life.” she said and Nicky nodded.

“When do you want him to be buried?”
“On Sunday.”
“We will make sure to give him a dignified and honorable funeral.” Cleo said.
“With a touch of Pride.” Irene said in a shaky voice, chuckling because that’s something Asher said almost all the time when he was involving the gang. They all chuckled. “Thank you for notifying me, now can I please be left alone?”

“Okay. We will be on our way now, but we will check up on you regularly.” Cleo said and Irene smiled. They bid farewell to her and they left. After closing the door, she slid down, her butt landing on the floor and screamed. Her heart couldn’t handle the pain she was feeling.
“WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE ME, ASH? YOU PROMISED THAT YOU WON’T LEAVE ME! WHY?” she continued screaming and wailing.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now