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Losing a child is hard. It is not something I would wish even upon my worst enemy. It’s even worse for me. I never got to feel him kick. I never got to experience any cravings, any weight gain. I never got to experience anything with him, except for loss and that hit me hard. That is why my husband and I decided to go down to Barkley West. So that we can focus on ourselves and grieve our child without any pressure.

“We don’t have to pack Yamie’s toys baby. Have you forgotten that back home we have a play room full of every toy the royal kids always demand?” Vuyo asks and I chuckle before placing back Yamihle’s toys and only taking her favourite stuffed animal. “We are going to be okay, my sweet rose. Everything takes time. That’s why we are going home, so that we won’t be rushed by anyone or even receive looks of pity every single day.” I smile and hug him.

“I don’t know how I would’ve survive something like this without you by my side. I don’t know how Hlomu did it.” He laughs.
We take our bags and head downstairs only to find our friends on the foyer carrying paper bags.
“You didn’t think you’d leave without saying goodbye now, didn’t you?” Nolby asks with a smile already coming to hug me. “I am going to miss you. Steven and I are going to take over your fashionista couple title while you are away.” we all laugh. Nolby has the power to make you laugh even in grief. She is just a ball of energy.

“We decided to get you some food for your journey and a few other things we thought you might need.” Thandeka says. I nod.
“Let the gents pack those things while you ladies catch up. I know you want to talk about a few things in private.” Vuyo says and he kisses my cheek before heading out with our bags. The men head out with all the paper bags and gift bags.

“Fortunate, are you okay? I saw that house accident that killed Qhayiya.” She nods with a smile.
“I got my baby back and I am so relieved and happy about that. It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.”

“We are definitely going to celebrate once we are back.” We both hug.
“I will absolutely hold down the fort on the clubs and host some events with the help of boss lady. We wanna make you proud.” Aviwe says.
“I can’t believe I am saying this, but I will check on the farm regularly.” Londy drawls and we all laugh.

“I will help. I have taken a maternity leave, so I will have more time on my hands.” Dakota states.
“How is everything with your in-laws?”
“Well Ndabe’s parents adore me and his kids are warming up to me. So I don’t care what others say. As long as his parents and kids love me, all is well.”

“Your parents are dramatic though.” Nolby says rolling her eyes and Dakota is the first one to laugh before we all follow suit. “But I know my family, in fact the whole Jama nation will freak if they ever find out about my relationship with a white man. I am also ready to go to war but I won’t even disown the rents because I know they also wouldn’t. Just hold old, I know a birth of a child has a way of bringing people together. Maybe Gram will also do that. Otherwise you can take her back to where she came from if she doesn’t do that because that will mean she is a devil’s agent.” We break into laughter. God u Nolubabalo.

“Okay, I think that’s enough catching up.” Vuyo says getting in and we continue laughing. Anyways I hug all my friends.
“You are going to be fine, Sosha. You are strong and brave. You can conquer anything, even war against any mafia queen.” Thabi says and I hug her once again. We all walk out. Vuyo straps Yamihle into her car seat.
“Bye everyone.” We all climb inside the car and drive off.


Nobody spoils me like Ndabe. I swear this man makes me blush like crazy every day with the way he treats me. I just fall for him every single day and I am not even afraid to let go or hold back. He took me out for lunch and now we are just taking a stroll in the mall, holding hands. It’s evening and it is less crowded.

“So I had a talk with the kids.” I start off and he looks at me but we keep on walking.
“Go on.”
“Asimbonge wants to come back and study locally. He says he gets home sick and honestly he misses you and his sister. So can we please register him to a private school around for the next academic year?” he smiles.

“I am proud of you. I know one of the reasons he is coming back is because of your presence in our lives. He is a sucker for affection, so the amount of affection and attention you give him, he loves it. I am happy you are making effort to getting to know them better. What about Tshedza?”

“She said moving won’t be a wise step for her right now. Rather wait for her to finish high school and then she will register at a university here in Joburg and she will stay at home instead of students’ residence.” He holds my hand firmly to stop me from walking. He doesn’t say anything, he just attacks me with a kiss.
“You never cease to amaze Me.” he says breathlessly. “Thank you and I love you.”

“DAKOTA IRENE MULLER!” that voice quickly snaps me out of the fantasy land I was in. I turn to find my aunt standing not far from us with her hands on her waist. She is fuming. “So, is dit wat jy nou doen? Rondgaan en ape soen in ‘n openbare plek sodat almal jou kan sien? Het jy nie respek vir jouself nie? Dink jy nooit aan die manier waarop jy ons as jou gesin verneder nie? Gee jy nie om dat jy ons naam in die modder sleep nie? Wat de fok is fout me jou? Wie is jy? (So, is this what you do now? Going around and kissing monkeys in a public place for everyone to see you? Don’t you have respect for yourself? Don’t you ever think about the way you are humiliating us as your family? You don’t care that you are dragging our name in the mud. What the fuck is wrong with you? Who are you?)” I swallow hard.

“Antie kaimmer asseblief, en moet asseblief nie my verloofde ‘n aap noem nie. Ons gaan ‘n probleem hê. (Auntie please calm down, and please don’t call my fiancé a monkey. We are going to have a problem.)” She chuckles angrily and even clap her hands dramatically.

“Calm down? Calm down? You are stressing your parents. They are even losing weight. They don’t know what is happening in your life but here you are, walking around with this sin. Don’t you care about your mother’s health? What is going on with you child? Did these black people bewitch you? because that can be the only explanation you have for disrespecting people who brought you in this earth and made sure you are well fed and taken care of for 23 years. Is this how you repay them?” there is even a crowd around us right now and I can see in the corner of my eyes some taping all of this. I breathe out loud.

“Auntie stop disrespecting my fiancé. I chose him because I love him. If you are family and you claim to love me, you will accept him and treat him with respect and kindness you would’ve shown a white man. Right now you are being racist. Love knows no race or boundaries. That’s one of the reasons why you will always stay bitter. It’s because you think love is only found among your race. Who knows? Maybe your soulmate is a Chinese guy but you are too ignorant to see that. Instead you are going around insulting my man like it’s nothing. Don’t ever do something like this again or else I will have you arrested.”

“I don’t give a fuck. You are marrying a bloody kaffir and I am not going to apologize for that. You are an ill-mannered child and I wish this man can slaughter you for his own wealth so that you can regret your decision.”
“That’s enough now, ma’am.” Ndabe chirps in.

“Don’t fuckin talk to me. You are going to rub off that charcoal skin of yours on me. Know your place.” She turns to look at me. “You will regret this.” she sees the crowd gathered against us. “I don’t give a fuck if you all make me trend. People must know that you don’t date a person out of your race. That’s a disgrace and a shame. Black people should know their lane and stay there.” she roughly pushes away some of the people as she walks away. I feel myself sweat all over. I am experiencing some minor pains. This confrontation is not something I was expecting and I am even ashamed to look at Ndabe. What must he think about my family? How could aunt humiliate him like that in front of all these people? 

“Are you okay?” Ndabe asks. I am not. I am feeling cramps on my lower abdomen and a headache.
“I think you should take me to the hospital.” He doesn’t ask any further. He just picks me up and rushes to the parking lot.

My Knight: Dakota's Second ChanceWhere stories live. Discover now